Chapters 73 

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Cassie's About 5 1/2 hours later and still no twins as of yet so Grayson was just being the most sweetest boyfriend ever but here's the funny part  what did Ethan decide to do, pick up the camera and vlog

E hey what's up uhh so you're probably wondering where have we been  and why we haven't been posting videos well look who's in labor finally and look at Grayson being such a good boyfriend 

G dude we haven't said anything seriously.... 

E well damn I guess I have to cut that out 
*Cuts off the camera* so Cassie how are u feeling

C uhh I guess I feel okay....

E did I ever tell you, u look beautiful today

C oh Ethan you are really funny did I ever tell you that part

E now here's thing I don't know if you're being sarcastic or are you just trying to prove a point  

G *he slaps his head* Ethan seriously she was being sarcastic and possibly trying to prove a point that she is being sarcastic

E oh yeah right I knew that pff uff

C Ethan love you as always but would you sit down  you've been walking up and down and up and down for the past 2 1/2 hours 

G men the babies haven't even come yet & it looks like you have ants in your pants 

E  first of all I'm not nervous second of all I do not have ants in my pants thank you very much Mr. Grayson Dolan I have to go to the bathroom 

G wow I'm actually surprised to call me Mr. 

E well I could call you something else but I want to say anything bad in front of kids 

C even if you have to go the bathroom it's right there 

E are you sure you want me to use your bathroom because trust me you wouldn't even let me step foot into your bath and it's our house 

C yeah because the last time you use my bathroom you left a mess so badly that I had to clean for the past 3 1/2 hours so yeah that's why just use the bathroom its clean 

E all right fine but if I get any diseases I'm going to blame it on you two

G Man what a dork!!

C hey listen he's not the only one who's the dork you are the biggest dork trust me....

G hey do you want to maybe go for a walk with me...while Ethan's in there doing God knows what!?  i'm pretty sure your legs are dying to walk, it should help to speed things up a little bit quicker since you've been lying there you poor baby.

C hehe Grayson Grayson what am I gonna do with you yeah I could go for a walk Plus I need to get out of the room for a bit

G already let's go

C wait shouldn't we let Ethan know, we are going for a walk

G okay if you say so....hey Ethan we are going for a walk

E your going with who....exactly?!

G uhh Cassie who do u think...

E ohh ok I would come but!!!

G yeah, nvm we don't want to know

C it okay Ethan we will be back

E hey guys.. *they stop* call me if anything happens

G/C yes Ethan we will trust us
(Both Cassie & Grayson leaves the room)

G so Cassie.....

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