Chapter 23

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G POV I carried her all the way to the bedroom in Brady style obviously me & E sat right beside her so she could have some company it was only 745 in the morning and to have a doctors appointment later on the afternoon so we had some time to spare I'm actually kind of excited to be a dad

E POV I feel really bad for her but that's the way it is it's whole life goes I mean I can't say that I'm nervous for this but I am super excited to have a little munchkin around even though there's going to be two daddy & one mommy Even though that were not the biological dad's were still going to be there for that kid and no matter what happens

My POV I honestly feel really nauseous right now but I'm excited to be a mom I mean none of the boys got me pregnate you guys now know what happened to me yes I'm scared for the first time every parent is as long as he/she is healthy that's all that matters.

Later that afternoon

Me We were all in the car driving to the doctors office to find out how this little munchkins doing so far for some reason I feel a little bit bigger than usual well we got there in five minutes we were sitting waiting in the waiting room when I Heard my name being called The nurse took us back there so we could wait for the doctor to come in After five minutes the Dr. came in

D hello miss militello how are we feeling today

Me umm okey just the usual throwing up feeling nauseous but all in all I'm doing good

D good good do you mind if I touch your stomach

M no I don't mind at all

D good just lie down and relax I'll be extra gentle on you

Okey good looks good pretty sure you guys want to see what your baby looks like

M yes plz

D OK so I'm just gonna put this gel on you it's gonna be a little bit cold

Me okey...

E grab my hand OK We got you

G just hold our hands were not going anywhere

Me wow that is cold af

D OK let's see here everything looks pretty good they look pretty amazing healthy nothings wrong with them I think I know why you are so big

G they ?

E they wdm ??

Me is something wrong

D no no no no Cassandra you are expecting twins

Me WHAT TWINS !!!!!!!?????



D yes I'm very serious congratulations
Here I show where the other one is so here is baby A & here's baby B

G hey Ethan that's me & you in there

E very true gray I can't believe there's two of them in there

Me I know can't believe I'm going to be a mother of two

E You going to be an amazing mom trust us

G not just an amazing mom best mom that any little person could ever ask for

Me Well the both of you i'm going to be amazing dads

(They both kiss me on the cheek)

N now i'm pretty sure all of you wanna some little pictures to take home and possibly show to your family if you want to

Me yes we would

N OK I will see you in a couple weeks to see how you are doing so far but everything looks good and you will be nauseous for the next couple weeks but that's natural you're lucky to have two amazing friends with you

I just look at them

Me thinking I am very lucky I whispered

N all right I should be right back with your photos and I will see you In few weeks

Me okey

G dude I cannot believe Daddys to two little munchkins I just don't know what to say or do like I feel I want to cry right now because I'm so happy to have you and my brother with me on this amazing journey

E Trust us cassie were going to be there when we say something we stick to it listen when me and Grayson met you First time at the airport I knew that all of us are going to be very close friends and even though you work for us that doesn't matter what matters now is that there's two little munchkins on the way we didn't know that we were going to daddy's at all I got to say I'm very happy you came into me and Grayson life

M I don't know if about to cry right now but you both made me feel that I was worth every single second I love the both of you not just as my bosses that's my best guy friends ever I love the both of you and even though this horrible thing happened I'm not gonna let it stop me from raising two amazing kids and of course helping you guys out thank you for being there

(We all hugged)

N OK so here is the photo and I will see you guys in a couple weeks

M ok thank you much

G thank you

E thank you

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