Chapter 38

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Me I just want to thank you guys for your excepting me for who I am and I hope this video has changed your lives and see the real person In me and yell I am really really excited too I'm getting a little choked up on my God to have these two little babies for me and I can't wait for you guys to see them I'm so excited for the future but this is not a close of the chapter this is a new chapter for all of us my whole chapter might be ending my test is going to be gone but this new chapter in my life is about to open i'm so excited for the future

E Listen guys you may not notice for six years almost which is crazy but yeah we make videos every single Tuesday we're not gonna stop doing that because you know we are expecting two little babies running around but you know you my post of logs if you guys are OK with that but it's all gonna be about the babies if you guys have any suggestions on what we should do with little mama No just comment down below any suggestions you have it's crazy that we've only known this beautiful goddess woman for only five months and she's carrying two little angels which is crazy to us yes we might be eating going to be 19 which is crazy but we can handle it just comment down below any suggestions you have it's crazy that we've only known this beautiful goddess woman for only five months and she's carrying two little angels which is crazy to us yes we might be eating going to be 19 which is crazy we can handle it I am really happy I get to do this with my brother are here and our best friend Cassie i'm really happy I get to do this with my brother here and our best friend Cassie  

G I mean it's been a rocky crazy couple of months but we're getting through it every single day we have a strong woman Right beside us and that's all we can Asfoor and I think that's basically yet so thank you guys so much for watching we hope you enjoy this weeks video I'm really sorry I was long but you know this is going to be something next to our journey and I hope you guys are gonna be here for it, down below if you think it's going to be two boys two girls or a boy and a girl so comment down you right beside us and that's all I can say and I think that's basically yet so thank you guys so much for watching we hope you enjoy this weeks video I am really sorry it was long but you know this is gonna be something next to our journey and I hope you guys are gonna be here for it, down below if you think it's going to be two boys two girls or a boy and a girl so comment down your thought

G/E bye guys will see you next Tuesday


Me wow that wasn't bad

E yeah not that bad

G we all did an amazing job t

Me Nice job guys

E thanks Cassie how do you feel so far

Me I mean I feel fine like nothings wrong I feel good actually

G I know you feel fine that you've told everybody but What I think you finish trying to ask you are you feeling OK or you don't feel pain or anything do u

Me  guys nothings gonna happen First off I'm  three almost 4 months relax nothing going to happen everything's fine

E I know mine always just worried that's all I don't want nothing to happen to our three little munchkins now do we

Me Nice we just tell you something I want from being a girl who was being up by her ex-boyfriend psycho wife passed away you guys feed me down for a job to be your assistant and of course I took that job to get away from my crazy ex now I'm pregnant with two kids OK I'm 20 years old I should be living my life not being a mom at such a young age I got you guys into this mess and I'm sorry OK I didn't think flying to LA Was going to get me pregnant OK I didn't know that my ex-boyfriend was going to do the stuff I didn't think OK all your fans that are going to see this video probably thinking or are going to think that I'm the dumbest girl on this earth for not thinking straight 

G Hey hey Cassie relax everything's going to be fine this is none of your fault you didn't know this was going to happen right you are still our assistant that's not going to change when you have became such an amazing friend as you are amazing you know what you're doing you're gonna be such a good mom I promise you OK

E Remember who cares what people say they don't know the real you you're smart you're funny you make us laugh you help us clean up even though I don't do the dishes at times when you tell me to want to take out the garbage

Me while you are going to be taking on a lot of diaper bag garbage is to the garbage so I would start now if I Were u

E you got that 😉.

G I don't want you think that whatever happened is your fault none of this is your fault you did not know that this was going to happen OK we everything that we can to protect you for anything means necessary.

Me thanks guys I'm sorry my hormones are just getting up to me already it's crazy

E it's OK it's not easy being pregnant I can just say that it's hard I don't know how you're doing it

G hey I have an idea Why don't we all got serious and that at this video and make it a fun good Gucci day 

E Yeah that's a great idea Cassie are you up for it

Me yeah totally up for it let's go

Me POV we got upstairs and start entering there is a lot of clips and there is a lot of talking between me Ethan and Grayson but it's part of the video right we were up for half of the night until I fell asleep I didn't know what happened but The last thing that I remember and lying down on and Ethan's lap and stroking my hair then I think I know I felt Grayson's hand on my belly   How do I know which one is which I just have feelings that's all 

The Boys POV
It was around 12AM in the mornings we've been editing since we ended the video at 7:30 PM yesterday night we can I had a good conversation Ethan would edit for about two hours then I will take over and then Cassie will take over but while I was editing Easton was on my bed with Cassie she was lying down on his lap and then I told him just switch over so I went over and sat right behind her and per my head write on her stomach just to let her know that I'm gonna be here for her we ended up all falling asleep in our bed

               THE NEXT MORNING

(They both woke up in fear Anne ran down the stairs)




E Princess what are you doing on top of the counter  

Me there's there's there's there's there's a  a a a a rat

E oh I see Hold on hold on I got it

Me did you get it.

E yeah it's gone now get down the counter

Me ummmmm hello pregnant women here I can't get down.

G OK OK here grab onto me  I got you

Me thanks Grayson

E I have never heard of anyone being afraid of a little rat

Me. I've been scared of rats ever cents hey I wouldn't talking you're scared and little lizard's so

G she got you there bro

Me guys what time do we have to post

E about what one o'clock why do you ask

Me OK thank god 

G OK will I'm gonna go take a shower

E me too

Me me too I'm gonna have by bit of a shower since I've been scary for the past 20 minutes of that stupid

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