Chapter 28

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Me It was almost time for the award show I was super anxious and nervous but if they don't come out with anything I will always still support them no matter what trophy or not they're still my favourite boys James was up against a lot of amazing make up artist been on my mind I know he's going to win though this is what happened

J guys I don't know what it is I am so nervous

Me trust me I believe u are going to win it

G/E  trust me James if you have an amazing support system and a good Lucky charm

J thanks guys

Presenters your winner for best make up this

(Us waiting)



Me I told you get up there hurry up

G/E see Cassandra I told you were an amazing good luck charm

Me So James ended up Winning best make up artist best male YouTube best make up artist best YouTube or best collaboration inspiring make up artistry  I have to say I'm very proud of him Best fan award

The twins obviously one best YouTube or's best comedians best collaboration best inspirational person best fan award Best creators let's see  what happens next

This is a big moments that everybody has the waiting for who is going to win  YouTuber of the year

Presenters: These YouTube or's have been posting YouTube videos for the past year now and now tonight we're gonna find out as who's going to take Home YouTuber of the year
Here is the nominees
-Cameron Dallas
-Liza Koshy
-David Dobeck
-Lily Singh
-Tyler Oakley
-Lele Pons
-Maranda sings
-Shane Dawson
-The Dolan Twins
Your winter for YouTuber of the year is



G/E Cassie come with us please 

Me guys this is your moment go up there

4SQ Come with us let go

Me OK OK I'm coming

The boys Wow I honestly don't know what to say I mean I couldn't have been here without my brother Ethan and of course my brother Grayson and our two amazing friends James of course and I want to introduce you guys to Cassandra👑💋 she is our assistant that helps her with the photos and video ideas so really the award goes to her without her we wouldn't be here in standing hair right now so is there anything you wanna say Cassandra👑💋

Me wow I mean thank U I just want to say that I'm very proud of you guys and I am so happy and so blessed and lucky to work with amazing talented boys and it's crazy then I'm here and I wanna say thank you and I love you guys so much

4SQ thank you to our fans are family outb closest friends and thank you for everything we love you guys

G did that just really happened

E dude we won so many awards tonight especially James hello of a good sister

J thanks guys but Cassandra👑💋 thank you for coming with us and supporting us

Me I told you guys you don't need an award to impress me you guys have just made me who I am I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you goofballs I honestly would've never mad to amazing creators in my life

(We all hugged each other)

J so sisters since it's all done why don't we say we go home and try to relax looks like Cassie here is exhausted

E yeah you're right let's get out of here

G Yeah guys let's just get out here we all look exhausted

Me umm guys

G Cassie what's wrong

Me oh nothing I just can't really walk this high heels are killing me can one of you carried me to the car

E I mean sure Grayson can you carry her

G suer Cassie hop on 

Me are you sure

G here I'll care you Brady style how's that

Me sounds like a plan

( Grayson whispers in my ear I know it's not your high heels I know that you're pregnant but I'm trying not to show it when James around until we tell him)

Me (me laughing) I know what you're saying

The boys POV We all got into my car and drove home with Cassie was on Grayson's lap she obviously passed out it was kind of cute me and James took a picture on Snapchat with the caption is in this adorable and then James told me to get in the photo and he posted another Snapchat photo with the caption my three best friends all in one

Me POV I couldn't really walk anymore to be honest with you guys my back was killing me my feet has so many blisters my back was killing me all I wanted to do was take all my stuff off in line down so I asked Grayson to pick me up and to carry me to the car isn't he such a sweetheart nine Ethan he had to carry Mr. James Charles to the car because he was holding half of our trophies and his trophies I can't believe how much friends I have now it's kind of crazy I just wanted to tell James what's going on I think all of us are going to sit down to have a talk when we going to tell James & Bryant

James POV ever since I met Cassie for the first time there is something about her that was so original she had so much creativity in her mind you could see it but I knew there was something in my mind telling me that they had to say something I knew something was up and they can tell me anything I'm not gonna go ahead and blurred out to the world but I think I know the secret but I'm going to keep it to myself

The boys we got home pretty late it was around 130 in the morning all of us were so tired but we were so excited we want to celebrate but since Cassie fell asleep in the car I guess will celebrate tomorrow morning James is obviously going to sleep over because he's not driving back and I care too much about my friends so I let him stay over for the night

E when me and James were outside having a talk there was something that he knew but we haven't said anything yet it's like he knew her secret but he didn't want us to find out about the secret until we told him the secret but I think he knows but he's not the typical of a friend to go ahead and blurt things out when it's not true he wants to protect it so much

G As soon as we all got home I went straight upstairs having Cassandra👑💋 in my arms got in her room close the door I didn't want her  sleep in her clothes so I woke her very quietly here's what happened 

G Cassie don't worry you're home I wanted to wake you up because I don't want you sleeping in my clothes but don't worry I'll ask James for some make up wipes to takeoff your make up

Me boy you scare the heck out of me I was having such a nightmare and I'm glad you woke me up

G well you're safe here so no one's gonna catch you me Ethan and James are here no one's going to hurt you 

Me (just smiling at him)

G Don't worry I already got all of your stuff in the bathroom so go in there you can take your time whatever you have to do I'll be here if you need me OK

The Assistant 🤫♥️ E.D G.DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora