Chapter 25

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The boys
It was a regular Saturday morning me & gray got up And got ready because we were going to go and take Cassie to find an outfit for her so the TCA awards since she's coming with us but we had a brilliant and smart idea to wake her up now let me tell you guys a little story she does not like to be waked up in the morning and trust me we've tried she's not a morning person anyways here's what happened and got ready because we were going to go and take Cassie to find an outfit for her to the TCA awards since she's coming with us but we had a brilliant and smart idea to wake her up now let me tell you guys a little story she does not like to be waked up in the morning and trust me we've tried she's not a morning person anyways here's what happened don't worry guys were not going to scare her

G good morning princess

E how did you guys sleep come on it's time to wake up Cassie get up

G Ethan don't be mean to her she's caring our children you know if she kicks in the balls I'll be up for it

E I'm sorry Cassie angel wake up we're taking you out to the mall we're gonna help you pick out your outfit for the TCAs

G Cassie Cassie Cassie Cassie

E Cassie Cassie Cassie Cassie

We open up the blankets and

G/E SHE GONE OMG we've lost her parents are going to kill us what are we supposed to do

E she couldn't gone that far

G how do you lose a  pregnant woman so fast

me I was in the bathroom I need my own business I decided to wake up early of course because I'm not really much of a morning person all of a sudden I hear commotion coming from my bedroom and I picked out the front door and I could see were my two best friends fighting because they think I'm missing so I decided to prank them this is what happened and let me tell you I scared the shit out of them wait for it


G AAAAAAA WTF Cassie we were looking for you

E you scared the fucking shit out of us what did you go

Me morons I was in the bathroom the whole time Gacha next time don't prank me I told you I was going to get you back

G/E oh i see so this is against prank wars you didn't even scare us one bit

Me Really then why the both of you are shitting your pants you guys look like you've seen a ghost

G/E OK OK you got us now you just wait until we get you back

Me yeah yeah yeah you won't get me back now come on dumbasses we've have to get to the mall somehow by the way who's driving

E i will drive

G okey let go

Me come on

                        AT THE MALL

Me so we went to a couple stores and we found a couple things but I could not find an outfit to wait for the special name we were about to leave the store when all of a sudden we hear hey sister we all turn around

All of us hey James

J what are you guys doing at the mall

G/E Well since we ask Cassandra👑💋 to come with us to the TCA we wanna find her a really good fun fashion elephant for the night but we've been to one 11 stores and we can't find anything that she likes

Me yeah I mean anything that could fit me is hard enough

J well I mean let's go to the store which has amazing dresses and trust me I will make you looks so fucking good you won't even recognize yourself

The boys It's really sweet of James to help out Cassie because he doesn't know that she's pregnant Which we will tell him very soon we just don't know when we got Cassie to try on more dresses but the last one I swear to God I can't stop staring at her

Me OK so this is the last dressed you guys want to see it now

G yes plz

E look at our  beautiful best friend over here looking like a snack

G Ethan will you start freaking every girl out  u have  we don't want her to disown us as a friend

J Ethan I love you but seriously what you have to do that you scared the poor girl

Me OK guys I'm coming now

(Me waking out of the dressing room)

G OH......

E MY.......


The boys Holy shit you look fucking beautiful goddam you look like 100% of a hole course meal like where did me Ethan and James deserves such an amazing girl looking fucking hot ass sexy gorgeous amazing person like you

Me so you guys like it

G like it we love it on you that's what we're buying it

E Cassie your blowing my Hard away look how beautiful you are ♥️

J Sister you look like a fucking snack I'm sorry if I wasn't gay I would smash right now



J what got to love a good sister

Me Well I guess I am buying it I do look really pretty I think you guys for helping me today I mean without you guys I wouldn't able to find this really pretty dress

The boys
There's so many prayers that we can say to Cassandra👑💋 but we can't say nothing to James because he doesn't know the big secret the only person that Cassandra👑💋 hasn't met yet is our friend Bryant the photographer after we checked out we won't there's so many prayers that we can say to Cassandra👑💋 but we can't say nothing if I the jeans because he doesn't know the big secret the only person that Cassandra👑💋 hasn't met yet is our friend Bryant the photographer actually we checked out we I went back to our house with James and we just had a really fun friends sleepover the fans are suspecting thanks but we're not gonna say anything yet

Me After I got done changed we paid out and we all decide to have a sister a sleepover together it's kind of crazy but I know the twins want to tell James and their other friends but not yet The fans are suspecting a lot of things and I know that when you tell them I know it's gonna be a lot to take in for then but we just have to do what we have to do

The Assistant 🤫♥️ E.D G.DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora