Chapter 1

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This is the story how I ended up ended in LA & How Two lives saved me.......

It all started with my Abusive/neglected boyfriend of mine let's cut to the chase he was the worst person to ever be with he
was always sit there call me names. I was

locked in the basement a couple times a week and the only thing I had was my phone That was keeping me happy for sure .

His name was Jack now you probably recognize the name because he's friends with the biggest YouTubers ever........

Every game was a struggle especially for me I would have to get up at 7:30 every single morning and make sure that
everything was prim and proper for him to

come downstairs if nothing was done right he would smack me hit me and possibly rape me day by day night by night I would always get hurt by him 😥 💔

What did I do to ever deserve this I always ask myself why name was the name of that I'll never forget I guess I didn't clean
the dishes properly and he came upstairs and he wiped me with his belt I was begging him to stop and he wouldn't you can possibly imagine what happens next

I sat there in my room not knowing what to do next with my life my parents and gave up on me because of my stupid boyfriend boyfriend & all of my friends are all gone
I was sitting there all alone not knowing what to do

It was July 28, 2017 just sitting in my room crying about how awful my boyfriend why do I stay with him I don't know maybe I'm stupid I'm thinking about all he does is scream and yell at

Five minutes go by I see my phone light up I thought it was my boyfriend nop it was my mom this is what the messages said 👇🏼

Mom:♥️ hey Cassandra it's your mom here listen I'm not giving up on you sweetheart you're my daughter and I'm going to save you one of those tragic you don't have to apologize to me and your father

Me:✨ I can't take it he hits me every single day he abuses all the time I just want you & dad to save me please I'll do anything 🙏🏻

Mom:♥️ Oh honey I know sweetie minute I will figure something out I promise you don't worry your father and I do not hate you you love you I'll see what I can do OK

Me:✨ OK mom I'm trying to be strong for you just please save me I love you guys

Mom:♥️ we love you too sweetie take a care of yourself OK be strong I love you

Me:✨I love you mom bye

It just made me have hope and my mother & my father actually care about me for the past two years I thought they didn't care at all for the first time in 2 1/2 years they care about me I just wanna see what's going to happen next

About five minutes later I want to my instagram & saw Job ads for a personal assistant here's what It said

Looking for and assistant to help us out with video ideas /Videos/pictures for Ethan and Grayson we will pay you to stay here we do at live in LA California 52 33 California Boulevard call this number 408 734-5469 to contact us
Email address is If you're interested please call

So I thought about it and call the number and a guy answer the phone

Hello this is Ethan talking how many I help you

Hi my name is Cassandra I was looking at your job ad and I want to say I'm very interested but I live in Toronto Canada

Well well thank God you called we were actually looking into hiring someone I'm actually really glad you called my style

Really I promise I'll do the best I can here's my number if you want to get in contact with me I will send you my resume and everything

Well OK we will set up a meeting how about Friday

I live in Canada is OK

Oh yeah I will pay for your flight don't worry about it we already know a lot about you

Okey thank you so

Your are welcome


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