Chapter 37

11 0 0

Me 3

E 2

G 1


Me We are expecting twins


Me Now obviously Ethan and Grayson are not the father's the night Of the incident when everything happened a couple days later we decided to fly down to New Jersey to see our families and we didn't tell you guys because you know honestly I was still New to the whole assistant thing and you know with everything that was happening I just didn't know how to turn to so anyways as we were having a good time and everything and then I just started feeling really sick so the next morning I woke up and I was just you know TMI vomiting like crazy and I was so sick so I went to the local pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test and I was getting the usual looks from people but I didn't care I just needed to know so I drove Home💜 and I went upstairs and I took it and I waited five minutes after five minutes later I love you and I and somewhere collapsed to the floor I didn't know how to tell the boys so their mom came upstairs to comfort me and to the sweet lady she is she took me straight to the doctors and that's when I found out I was pregnant.

G/E when we got back home that day from the gym you saw how sick Cassie was and we didn't know why she told us that she had the flu and our mom told us that she was just not feeling well I was just like a bug flew that she hadn't she'll be fine in a couple days while we get back onto LA and this is what happened

Me So I obviously before I told the boys leave sunshine up my mom and my dad knew about the whole thing except for the boys Lisa told me that there he are not going to hate you they're going to help you get through this tough time and you know it was just sweet and amazing to have such an amazing man that is so caring and loving like she is and yeah of course I was scared to tell my mom but my mom and my dad understood and you know how would you feel if that ever happened to you   So anyways when we got back to our way I had a day where I was going to tell them the big news and this is how it all planned out

So I told them that I wasn't feeling well but can you guys go pick me up some food I said yeah sure so when they got back home I bought some things from Walmart and I put the pregnancy test in a gift bag with a little onesie and a little note attached to it saying
Hey Daddy's This is your son/daughter you're talking to well I will see you in a few months surprise Cassandra is pregnant Can't wait to meet you Daddy's

G/E Like the morning then she told us was It was breathtaking to us we didn't care that they were not going to be ours but along the line we have signed up an adoption papers to fully adopt them as to be our kids and when we told Cassie that She literally could not stop crying and it was just so nice to see that even though that this all happened it's like it was meant to happen and this is a lesson for all of you young girls if you are in a abusive relationship honestly get out of it because this might happen to you I don't want to see anybody none of you guys going through what Cassie is going through right now currently and parents make sure you watch your kids especially your teenagers because I know how they get sometimes we just want to make sure you guys are OK but yeah

Me This is been a rocky roller coaster and I don't know if I mentioned this but when the whole incident happened with my ex when he broke into our house or I should say the Twins's house he didn't want me to be there like he wanted me to come home but I first when I before I even blocked out he says I don't know why you made the most stupidest decision and that like stuck in my head for like the longest time and I know you guys are going to judge me for being his girlfriend this and that because he's against the twins but how was I supposed to know I didn't know that I didn't even know that they had a fight and I felt horribly horribly like bad about it but Just to tell you guys they did call my parents and we flew down to LA my parents flew from Toronto to New Jersey to meet us there and it was hard at first but we just wanna say that we love you guys and we hope that you liked this cute little announcement and one more thing

G/E so we do have a due date April 16, 2019 So have your calendars ready

Me I can't believe how big and going to be holy shit no we don't know if it's two boys or two girls or a boy and a girl but we are actually doing A gender reveal And yes we are going to record it don't worry we're going to have the camera set up that so we got you guys don't worry

G Guys it's crazier as well and I mean dad's not one but two little munchkins like what

E We're going to have to be like the cute little dads that do stuff with them

Me but yes I know it's gonna be painful But I have a high pain tolerance so I mean I feel anything I'm not gonna do no drugs nothing even though I'm going to be screaming in pain it's fine I'm OK used to it where ever it happens at home or in the hospital as long as they're happy and healthy by fingers five little toes that's fine

G But trust this guy that will be filming everything from the beginning till the end and we did found some really cool stuff the first ultrasound leave it filmed a lot of things so you guys get to see a lot of the behind the scenes and yeah we're going to be there for the whole process 

E Cassie wanting to show them how big you are cause it's actually so cute

Me okey someone what I'm about 3 almost 4 months which is crazy this is so big I am which is insane so we have no idea what colour nails once because we don't know the gender yeah 

G Guys there's a Cassandra looks so fucking pretty right now like you're pregnant and you look like a goddess and glowing as it James Charles put so much fucking like highlight on you

Me You guys are insane I don't look that pretty   

E Cassie let me ask u don't you call your DT accounts the goddess angels 👼🏼♥️

Me yeah I do but that doesn't mean that I look like one

G Baby girl yes just to clarify I call her baby girl and Ethan calls her little princess so we are not dating her but anyways going back Cassie baby girl God damn you look like a fucking goddess angel look up beautiful you you don't need no make up to be beautiful 

E And yes we have admitted we kiss on the cheek it's not a bad thing yeah OK so she wants for us but guys she's going to be a man very soon we're going to the Daddy pretty soon so I guess we Have to Get used to it oh and the best part we already told James and Bryant that they're going to be uncles for the first time so they know

G I mean we only have James Bryant and Cassie as our best friends 

Me Guys I have to say one thing James I don't know how to thank you for making me positive and making me feel beautiful and even though that sooner you're gonna be the best sister uncle that anybody could ever ask for Bryant I know the Chillis just met on the same day that I told you that you're going to be an uncle for the first time but I can never forget the time when I told you how it all went down how I saw all your tears streaming down your face then it times I felt that it was my fault and you guys didn't even  Judge me Because of the mistakes I've made the people that I've been brainwashed by if wasn't for Ethan and Grayson James and Bryant I don't know where I would've been today I probably would've been stuck in I ditch somewhere dead or alive I don't know but all I can think about is these two little babies growing inside of me and having the best life for them

G/E I honestly remember getting the email from this girl and I remember meeting Cassie for the first time at the airport and I remember of how intimidated she was and scared and not having a voice of her own guys I'll be honest with you at times she would not even speak for a good couple of days but the one time then we saw was really happening is when her parents told us the backstory and how she told us was like completely Unbelievably incredible of what she's been through for who knows how long things happen behind closed doors but it's like we saved a life all the time she's cried during the night and the both of us would go in there to make sure she was all right and to think you guys for not judging her she finally feels that piece that this is all out and I'm happy


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