Chapter 40

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Me I walk down the stairs good morning guys

E/G morning beautiful how did you sleep

Me OK I guess I just feel OK I guess just walking like a penguin make me feel funny

E Well you look cute either way Cassie

G yeah looking at our  little penguin so adorable awwww

Me really awww Does your mom still call you  E-tee-wee-tee  huh E-tee-wee-tee does mommy still call you that

E how do you know my name is

Me well let's see your mom told us were actually told me the day that we went to New Jersey in the day then I found out I was pregnant so your mom told me a bunch a secret about you guys and it's so cute

G hahahahhaha good thing you don't even know about my nickname

Me oh really Gray bear awww Will get Mr. Gray bear 

E Girl unless you've been watching our videos from long time or you really have a good ass memory

G all my gosh she knows my nickname and I'll love it the way you see it.

Me oh  good because guess what I'm gonna do I'm gonna tell our future children what they can call their daddy from now on

E/G oh God mother why did you tell our future mother to be about our nicknames 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Me I mean come on it's not bad thing...... wow wow

E Cassidy you good

Me Will somebody's excited to call you guys by  your nicknames

G yeah looks like they are here why don't you sit down for a little bit you've been standing up to much

Me thanks guys
Well something smells really good in here

E well that's is either my cooking or Graysons discussed breakfast he's making you

G Ethan shut up is it every single time that you have to tell me that my breakfast ideas are disgusting

E well I don't know Grayson you're smells like a whack of pigs in here

G listen you know what I'm not gonna argue because I don't think Cassie wants to us arguing I think she wants us to get along

E Yeah that's true I'm really sorry bro

G that's OK man I apologize to

Me You guys are too sweet aren't you

E so Cassie how are you feeling so far even though a little bit of argument this morning but how are you feeling 

Me I mean I feel fine they're just kicking me like crazy I think they need their daddies at  night time

G How bad is it at night time

Me I mean it's not too bad it's just I don't know either A baby or baby B is kicking me more I don't now

E hmmm Wait a minute I have an amazing idea.

G OK what is your idea Spado

(E looks at G)

Me go on Watch idea

E Why don't we take turns at night time line beside you so that way you can get some sleep so they don't keep kicking remember

G Well because every time that one year than they stop which is not a bad thing but we won our little Mommy to get some sleep at night

Me you know what goofball hands that is an amazing idea OK well star tonight right after I take a piss

G take a time don't worry

E Will be here waiting

G hey bro let me ask you something

E yeah what's up

G Last night did something happen between you and Cassie

E no did something happened between you and Cassie last night 

E OK OK something did happen last night

G what tell me

E OK well whatever we tell each other we cannot tell Cassie that we know

G got it go on 

E OK so I was about to go in the shower and I hear knock on my door and I thought of was you and Cassie was just right there and she said that she left her make up remover wipes and all her neigh routine  stuff And well I asked her to help me shave the bottom half of my beard because I couldn't reach it so she set up on the counter and after she was done in like two minutes we will look into each others eyes and we we

G we what just tell me

E we kissed okey we kissed and it was an accident and I'm sorry and I feel really bad

G that's weird how you say that because the same thing happened last night

E what's your part of the story

G Well when Cassie came back from the bathroom I noticed that she had a look on her face she was in shock and you know she was just so cute and something about her just made me want to lock lips with her anyways we were kind of poking fun at each other and I gave her a hug and I told her to look up at me and I told her I want to do something she says do you wanna do just tell me anyway Anne I sent this and we we

E What did you guys do

G so you mean to tell me that you kiss Cassandra  in the bathroom and then I kissed her in the bedroom dude  this is weird

E I know we just can't tell Cassandra

G Yes we just cannot say anything

Me tell Cassandra  what

G oh umm Me and Ethan were just talking about crib ideas you know bedroom Decour and all that fun stuff

E Yeah you know the nursery and stuff like that I was just planning out where we're going to have the babies sleep

Me well aren't you guys just the sweetest listen I'm just gonna go and set up for the video and Oh and by the way bring the food since we're Not going to be eating down here so whenever the food is ready I will be in the editing room okey

E OK see in a few minutes

G that was a close one

E remember we cannot say anything to Cassie if she finds out she will flip

G I know man but I don't like keeping secrets from her and she's carrying our kids in there and I don't want to ruin anything that we have between us 

E wait a minute Grayson do you have a crush on Cassandra

G Yeah I do I'm not gonna sit here and lie I mean look at her

E you do awww

G shhh Ethan I don't want her to find out

E no no it's OK because I have a crush on her too

G Really are you sure you're not just fucking with me

E No bro since the day she walked in here I swear to God I've had a crush on her

G wow that's crazy

E We just have to keep her feelings to ourselves no matter how much it boils up inside of us we have to keep it

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