Chapter 46

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Me here goes nothing I Open the door to
OH MY GOD (opening the door)

Me did you guys do this

G/E yes we did that's why we told you to stay out of this room because we wanted to make this room into a nursery

Me you guys I'm only 5 1/2 months pregnant I mean We could've waited for this but u did this all  by yourselves why did you guys do this for me

J/B Cassie do you remember when me James Ethan and Grayson and you went to the baby Store a couple weeks ago

Me ya

G/E While you were looking at every little thing liver marking down what you would want to head and sent the nursery and I wanted to make this from special for you for us included but you mean the world to us do you so much you help us out with everything you put up with us all the time and you never complain you're always the one who is positive in this family you know when if people can't see that
Then we can

Me so you guys managed to do everything without me even knowing I could hear you guys coming from down the hallway every time I cook something guys hallway like to Little 5 year-olds  
(Me walking around in the room)
I cannot believe you guys did this

E do you like it

G because if you don't I mean we will redo everything so It can look perfect

Me Are you guys kidding it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen you guys managed to surprise me with so many amazing things you guys did the gender reveal party for me and you guys did the nursery for me how can I thank you

G well

E there is one thing you can do for us

Me hmmmm and what is that my little five-year-old's

G/E you can give us the biggest hug in the world

Me ohh that I can do

J/B do you mind if we come in

Me of course I could use the extra love
(We all hug each other)

Me This is unbelievable oh my god 

G we are glad u love it

Me I cannot believe jeans even created in Bryant did all of this for me this is something I will never forget having friends that will give you something so amazing there's not one day that the twins going nuts and asked me if I'm OK every single day but that's what I love about them But ever since the day they prank to me they got something in common so they better hold her breath for this big prank I'm about to pull on them

All of A sudden I felt hands around my waist and I turned around & all I see Ethan & Grayson i was smiling from ear to ear 🥰 then they both  leave the room

James and Bryant told us they would be back They just had to get something from there cars  before I knew it I was alone in the room by myself

Two seconds later I look at myself in the mirror before I could catch myself smiling I look up again and there I saw my worst nightmare it was him it was the night I will never forget A person who started it all was standing directly behind me with the look of death but before I could even turn around everything just went black I don't know what just happened...... 

The boys POV
We are all sitting in the kitchen when all of a sudden we hear is scream and then a bang we didn't know what to think

E dude what was that

(The scream of a girl)

G oh my god Cassie

E we're coming Cassie

G dude go grab a bat just in case


G in here where is she

The next thing we know we can see Cassie lying on the floor down the hall in the nursery where we left her

E Cassie Cassie u okey

Me he's here

G who's here

Me my my ex ex he is here

E where is he

G Cassie hey hey look at me where did he go

Me when you guys left the room I was just looking at the nursery guys made me  and before I could even look up at the mirror I saw him he was just standing there with a death stare and before I could even scream I passed out

E OK you guys stay here I will be right back I'm go with James and Bryant  Grayson with her

G Ethan please be careful

E I will Don't worry just stay here guys

(Gray looks back at me)

Me Grayson I really scared please don't leave me plz don't lleeaavvee mmee 😭

G hey hey shhh Cassie I'm not going anywhere okey
(he sees tears down my face) shhh I got u shhh he not going to hurt u again

Me okey......

E couldn't find them anywhere 

Me Ethan.....

E hey hey it okey me and Grayson are  not gonna let anything happen to you OK

G we're going to catch him I'm going to throw his ass in jail

E The first thing we need to make sure you guys OK

Me I mean we're fine I didn't fall down too hard I just fainted but I think all I need now is to being strong man to stay with me tonight because I'm too scared to sleep by myself no we need is some hugs and cuddles and food and movies

G/E oh we got you covered on that

Me guys I'm scared 😭

G/E (We both just looked at each other)
Hey hey look at us u know who is going to in here soon

Our baby's soon they will be in those cribs

Me (I look over at them & smile)

G there is she our strongest girl

Me I maybe idk....but now I just need some love

E hey shhh it okey I've got  shhhh don't cry I'm
Not leaving u like this

G absolutely no way we're not leaving you here shhhhh Cassie it okey baby girl

My poor princess shhh we've got u   We're not letting go of you. 

Me can we just stay here for a minute

G/E of course we  can stay here as much as we want

Having both Ethan and Grayson holding me was something I will never forget thay surprise me with the most amazing gift ever I sat there for a few minutes in their arms realizing it's crazy how life can pick you back up again when you've been through hell and back I hope he doesn't come back and I hope to God I don't have to see his face anymore

The boys POV
I don't know when but I don't know douche bag just put them in jail scene Cassie Lang like crazy and want to protect her burial when they get older I want our kids to always come to us if there's problem We sat on the floor looking at Cassie and then we both looking
At each other wow we were thinking we pick the right person for the right job we cannot wait to see you guys

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