chapter 63

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(Still staring at each other)

G soo......uhhh we're alone

C yeah ikr Grayson are you feeling OK

G  what do you mean?

C I don't know you don't look like yourself and I'm starting to worry about you you know how I am in between you & Ethan you both worry about me so much that I worry about the two of you all the time  Grayson trust me you can tell me anything I'm not gonna laugh I'm not gonna get upset

G OK let's go upstairs so in case Ethan comes down

C uhh okey then
*Up the stairs we go* OK which room?

G we can go into your room in case Ethan's in there OK just sit right there I'll be right back

C alright *waiting patiently*  So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about

G well here's the thing it's nothing bad I just I've been holding something in and Cassie I know what you're about to say but I just want you to know that this is coming from me nor anybody else this is just me talking so please just listen OK

C OK I'm not gonna say anything you just talk tell me

G Cassie I feel like the both of us of know each other for so long it's almost been a year since you've been with and you have just brought me so much love and joy and you made my brother and me so happy and you know everything that's happened to us this happened to you but that's not the point yesterday while you were in the ladies room me and Ethan were talking and Ethan and I think......

C U think what?Grayson you can tell me what's wrong *hold his hands* Look at me i'm not gonna be upset with you!!

G Cassie I-






E guys we have to leave right now

C what why..........

G bro take it easy what's going on

E Cassie listen listen to me really carefully your ex is right outside and he's got a gun in his hand we need to leave the house right now I called security we have to leave in the back

G we literally have to be like right now we have no time to waste

E Grayson we're gonna have to catch a flight back home that's the only way for us to stay safe

C wait wait wait wait wait one second tell me my ex is outside with a gun in his hand wanting to shoot us

G every time there's always a good moment to tell Cassie something her ex has to show up at a point of pure agony

E well did you tell Cassie

G *mouthing* no no shut up bro

C tell me what Grayson don't tell your brother to shut up what was he supposed to tell me

E did you tell Cassie you're in love with her

C grayson's in love with me what are u talking about

G yeah Ethan what in the world are you talking about

E well Cassie Grayson told me *kick him* ow

C OK either I'm going senile or something we need to leave we'll talk about this later

G bro let's get out of here

C uhhh guys I can't really run. A little help

E right Grayson pick her up 

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