Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 The Nurse
Well Miss Militello you are definitely


The Nurse
Ya that right Congratulations

omg I can't believe this....there something growing inside of me all I could think was how happy I am this is happening to me yeah i was kind of nervous because I have to tell Ethan & Grayson sooner or later I look at Lisa and all she could be was hug me

(Lisa & I hugging)

I can't believe I'm going to be
A grandmother & my sons are going to me so excited to be dads for first time Even though they are still very young but they'll be able to handle it I'll be here for her and of course I'll be there for my sons

The Nurse
Would u like to see it

I looked at the nurse and I said sure she brought up this big ass machine I guess that is for see the baby man it feels weird saying that She put this Jelly stuff on my stomach which was kind of cool I held Lisa hand she turned off the light so we could get a better look right there in the centre I see the small miniature circle and I ask her 

Is that It right there That little circle thing

The Nurse
Yes that little circle is your baby it's very little right now because you're early in your pregnancy


The Nurse
Let see how far a long u are 

Me waiting........)

The Nurse
You are actually about six weeks pregnant

Oh my God Cannot believe this  as I said crying she asked me if I wanted a picture I said of course She left the room After she was done I got up from the table grab a towel wiped off the gel Off my stomach and I look at Lisa & said thank you for taking me here

Cassandra👑💋 you don't need to thank me now that I'm going to be grandmother I'm excited and trust me the boys are going to love it yeah I know they're still young but I know for a fact they are going to be responsible You've only known them for a couple months  and me and Sean are so lucky to have a girl like you

Well thank you Lisa for understanding I'm lucky to have you and Sean as my second parents Fact is I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents

I have an idea why don't we invite your parents & our family members the boys are going to be out anyways so by the time they get back we say anything they won't even know A thing So I will tell my family first and then whenever you decide to tell The boys is your choice If you need me or Sean  to help you out no problem

Thank you

(Both hugging each other)

Soon enough  the nurse came back with two Little photos I couldn't stop looking at them I cannot believe I have a human inside me She told me to come back in a few weeks so we can have better look
We left the nurses office went homeAnd told Sean the biggest news of course he was happy let me just tell you how I told my parents the big news

So Cassandra why did you invite us over here

Well there's something that I want to tell you guys

Whatever it is you can always tell us

Here this is for you guys (baby Picture)

What is this ?  (still thinking)


(Me Nodding yes) 

When u did u find out  got up & hugging me 

This morning we both found out she wanted to tell you she hasn't told the
boys yet

Well whatever you decide to tell Them I am right behind you I am really glad you have amazing in laws that will take very good care of you as your parents  i'm hoping the boys will be OK with it
I'm sure they're going to have an amazing mom

Aww thank you mom & dad
I love you

We Love you too sweetheart

All of us got  up to hug each other I will start talking about baby stuff clothing when are we going to name it all the fun stuffCouple hours later my parents finally went home I sat  there on the couch  thinking about this I was afraid to tell the boys The same time I was excited I was thinking of how I was going to surprise them I mean i have   Lisa Sean I really saw scamming couldn't be here she lives in LA but she kind of found out eventually
I I was really  excited have a baby let's just see what happens

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