Chapter 27

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the boys We finally get there the fans were going crazy screaming our names screaming Cassie's name was the cutest thing just seeing her face brought us to tears but the most of all seemed a little tiny baby bump the fans don't know yet when are we going to tell our friends not yet we met the girl who was gonna take us to the red carpet

Me we finally arrived at the award show there's a lot of people screaming or names including me this is a lot to take in but it's kind a hard to walk since I'm pregnant but I can handle it I took some photos with some fans and so to the boys as well we met with the girl who was going to take us to the red carpet for some photos  The girl ran over to till the photographer is my name since I was new to the squad I was kind of nervous for interviews but I took it like a champ here's what happened

the girl
OK you guys stand here and I'll tell you want to move

4SQ got it

POP (Grayson to your left)  (smile guys)
(James over here) (Ethan your right )
(What's the new girls name)
(Do u have a name)

Me Cassandra I answered back

POP (cassandra big smiles for us)
(Yes) (squad over here)  (right there perfect)

The girl thank you guys that's enough

Me After we were all done we decided to do a couple of interviews here's what happened

interviewer we  are here with the  4squad Are you guys having fun

4SQ we are actually having an amazing time

interviewer so all three of you are nominated for a couple of awards are you guys excited

4SQ yeah actually Me  Grayson and Ethan are very exciting so

interviewer I need honest  that there's another person beside you guys who is this lovely beautiful woman beside you guys

4SQ this Cassandra our new best friend

interviewer Nice to finally meet the most amazing best friend I've heard a lot about you

Me aww thank you so much you were such a doll

interviewer are you here to support them

Me yeah I've actually been a fan for a long time so just to be here standing with my three amazing friends as amazing and I'm just got to be here

interviewer Anne I have to ask I mean you look stunningly beautiful tonight you know what dress your wearing

Me well it's actually not address it's a jumpsuit I actually found this yesterday well James picked it up for me

interviewer well you look absolutely amazing having amazing time guys

4SQ thank U thank you so much

Other interviewer 4squad I have to ask is Cassandra pregnant because all the fans are suspecting it

4SQ no why would you even ask that

Me (I was shocked)

4SQ are u okey Cassie

Me yeah yeah I'm fine I'm just shocked

J why would somebody say that that's just pure disgusting

(Grayson & Ethan look at each other)

G/E I don't know why anybody would want to say that about her I mean there just reporters though say anything to get anything out of your mouth

J yeah boo honestly just ignore them they're just stupid and insecure

Me but do I really look that fat you guys
Like are you embarrassed of me

4SQ oh hell no you were fine as fuck you're beautiful you're not fat you're gorgeous you're amazing you're such an amazing supporter to support us tonight and we thank you for that

Me thank you guys I'm really going I'm friends with you and I'm glad I'm here to support three of my amazing best friends

(We all hugged)

G/E me and Ethan were obviously very shocked about a reporter asking if Cassandra👑💋 was pregnant it's like they were telling her that she was fat and just to see the look on her face the amount of embarrassment they probably recorder that of course cause that's their job but she took it like a pro but I know in her heart she feels like shit when James asked us why would they say that to her All of us looked at each other in shock 😱  we have to tell Bryant & James eventually

Me Everything was going great until I heard that stupid report and asking me the biggest question which you guys all know yes I am pregnant but we haven't said anything to the world and plus James and Bryant don't even know about it and it was hard for me to see James so confused this everything was going great until I heard that stupid report and asking me the biggest question which you guys all know yes I am pregnant but we haven't said anything to the world and plus James and Bryant don't even know about it and it was hard for me to see James just so confused we will have to tell them eventually but back to the events here's what happened

G are you guys ready to go inside

E ready as I'll ever be

J we are ready to win some awards

Me I am so ready to get this party started let's go

Me We ended up all sitting together thank God The twins are sitting next to each other I was sitting between Ethan and James  It was a lot of fun just hanging out being all cool a couple of fans came up to us for photos what was I going to say no of course why not these people mean the world to me six months ago I thought I was going to be dead with my ex that was abusive that didn't even know half of me I feel like the twins and James and I are so close now it's a family the next person excited to meet is Bryant and soon enough to be my two little baby's 

10 minutes later

E hey Cassie your okey right

Me ya I'm good it just my back hurts a lot

G do you want us to walk with you for little bit

Me I mean aren't awards about to start soon

G/E I mean they're not gonna start for another 1520 minutes anyway so we can just walk around for a little bit

Me I guess you guys are OK with it hey James want to come with us

J suer anything to help and support a sister

We ended up walking for about 15 to 20 minutes and then went back to our seats and the show started I ended up sitting between Ethan and Grayson because these munchkin are kicking me like crazy ♥️

The boys We ended up walking around for a little bit and then Cassie sat down between us at one point she was telling us that she can feel the babies kicking so without James noticing we just put our hands on her stomach just so they will stop by it's so cute at the end of the day I was getting down to the words time who is going to win ?

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