Chapter 11

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The boys POV
Today it was obviously Saturday which we only had a week before we had to leave for Coachella we thought it be a good idea to fill a video with Cassie I mean we just didn't know what to film with her a Q&A or something really funny so we did both
Cassie is OK with it obviously I mean Why wouldn't she be so we sat down did the video people were asking a bunch of questions and Cassie was obviously answer most of them but she really got into it I was actually proud of her

We were right in the middle of filming a Q&A and something funny at the same time the boys was just being goofy off at times but I didn't mind at all a lot of people are asking us the same questions like how does it feel living with two boys or would you ever consider dating one of them and it's pretty funny I mean at times I have feelings for Grayson and Ethan but I know my mind is playing tricks on me I just have to get over it After we were done the video we started editing for Tuesday so they can put it up after the video was up I was getting a lot of positivity comments which I didn't think anything of it

The boys POV
As it were about to leave for Coachella it was Thursday night and we were going to be there Friday Saturday and Sunday the sad part is Cassandra👑💋 is going to be home all alone by yourself and we asked a couple times that if she wanted to come but she said no we were kind a little sad but she'll be OK and we hugged her and said her goodbyes it was kind of losing someone in your life but I told her that we could be back soon

As the boys were leaving and I said my goodbyes leaving me for three days since I told him I didn't want to go to Coachella because honestly I don't know their friends they don't know me so it's better that I stay here they're only about 2 1/2 hours away for me so what could happen right obviously I was a little scared but they would be back on Sunday night so I don't have to worry as the days were going on both of the twins posted their first Coachella pictures and I have to admit they looked hell a hot second day oh my God third day I should've went like why did I not go but let them have their fun

The boys POV
As we were driving home from Coachella let me tell you it was an awesome weekend but I think it was time to say that we missed Cassandra👑💋 and wasn't the same we had a lot of fun with our friends but I don't know just not the same without her I don't know what we're feeling inside both me and Grayson we're driving home and for some odd reason I couldn't stop thinking as he park in the driveway got our bags and knocked on the door

As I was saying I'm home watching TV I hear a knock at the door I go ahead and I will look through the peephole window and I saw of course my two amazing boys I jumped into their arms I was so happy to see them even though it's been three days but it was the longest three days of my life the pictures on my God it was just amazing there like angels I just couldn't speak I just miss him so much I need them both a kiss on the cheek I don't know why but I guess I missed them my two dorks are back

The boy POV
As the door opened and we see this little munchkin Cassandra👑💋 she both hugged us and kisses on the cheek what is up with her but I didn't mind I'm sure Grayson liked it 😉 now here's the thing both me and Grayson would tease each other about Cassandra👑💋 for some odd reason every time I would say her name his face was turning red and every time Grayson would say it my face was all red we couldn't help it we talked about all that happened it was just fun for once I mean yeah the fans would ask where is Cassie but it was kind of fun just to hang out

We just talked about Coachella and I don't know I have somewhat feelings for them but I didn't tell him that my ex kept texting me all weekend so I better keep that to myself he's annoying at times but I don't know what to do he keeps thinking that he's going to get me but as long as no one again so my address which I hope and I'm scared to have all the spots at the back of my mind my parents obviously they miss me and and want me to come home but I'm doing when I can We ended up all sitting on the couch curled up and We all obviously fell asleep

The boys POV
We knew something was on the same with Cassie but she obviously glue it off a little bit when Santa I want to movie both 30 minutes later we're all cuddling up on the couch and we all fall sleep well Cassandra👑💋 actually fall sleep we decided to take a Snapchat with the caption she fell asleep on us guess you missed us for three days she had her legs on top of me and she had her head on Grayson's lap it was actually kind of cute 20 minutes later we fell sleep


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