Chapter 79 

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All of us: hello everyone I'm Ethan I'm Grayson I'm James I'm Bryant and I'm Cassie and this
is our story titled The Real Story.....

C You were probably wondering where we were all this time what happened is everyone OK and we're all here to answer your questions but first let me just start off by saying I'm so thankful to have an amazing family like I do right now it's been a crazy life here but I don't doubt it one bit

E now me and Grayson have been keeping a lot of things from you guys because Cassie was in complete danger if we even said her real name

G You guys all know harass Cassie but her real name is Cassandra we taught you guys what had happened to her and how did this all happen but it still continued afterwards 

C So for those of you that are not aware I had a crazy psycho path boyfriend of mine he was disgusting he manipulated me he controlled me for the past five years she always wanted me to be upset or Depressed in any means necessary I hadn't had A chance to talk to my family in the last five years finally after five years of waiting I was sitting on the floor in the kitchen looking for something to do with my life because I couldn't stay like this anymore so I received a phone call from my mom who I haven't heard from him in five years because of my ex boyfriend and she told me that there is a job offer from the Dolan twins so I decided that it would be amazing opportunity for me to leave however I didn't know that my mom told the twins of what had happened to me in the course of five years  so I sent an email and then this happened 

E So after approximately looking for an assistant me and Grayson  we're about to leave it give up on it and then we receive this tragic scary email from this young mother who has a daughter living with her abusive boyfriend and she needed to get out of there and me and Grace and looked at each other and said like we have to help her we can't let her go through this alone so I called her and I asked hi is this Cassandra  and she says yes and I could tell that she was frantic on the phone at one point so we told her that we would like to offer her a job and she sent in her full resume everything

G so when we hung up with her I looked at Ethan and I was like we picked the right person
It's not we pick the right person as we found the right person so after approximately a few days later we were meeting Cassie at the airport and we told her that we would be Near gate five and when I was on the phone with her I could see this young good looking girl walking towards us and I knew right from the vet in there this girl was going to be our best friend

C literally guys I mean it was like a shock to me when I saw the twins there I all I wanted to do was hug them and I was scared at first that I was shy because I'm gonna totally different place different area and I was scared but after a few weeks I got used to it and then I just started working on it you know this was not just a job for me I didn't even know where I was going to stay but they offered me to stay there at their house with them of course I was not going to say no I mean would you I don't think so about a couple weeks later they went to then after a couple weeks later they went to Coachella and I decided that I would stay back even though I was going to be home all by myself 

G would be anything left for Coachella leaving Cassie behind it was like my heart was ripped out of my chest just leaving her there by herself but we thought everything was going to be OK and when we got the front to call that something was going on we immediately called 911   we didn't know what to do we didn't know what was happening it was just like crazy 

C So you're probably wondering as to who are we talking about well my ex was named Jake Jonathan and I can honestly say that he did the absolute worst to me but he gave me something that we all been wishing for he left a piece of his life to us and that is Elijah and Giovanna you know as were all thinking here yeah I was a young girl I didn't know what I was getting into but knowing that the twins have help me through the toughest times In 2017 till now it's There is a lot of things that people would think I would take a vantage of the twins that's not what I was therefore I was there to help them out and to be there for them when they ever needed me and I was I didn't meant for this to happen I didn't have a crystal ball and follow me and said it's going to happen to you know women go through abuse every single day and for people to think it's a joke why it's not no joke if that's what you wanted to be great but I'm here to tell my story not his story

The Assistant 🤫♥️ E.D G.DDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora