Chapter 16

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We were kind of concerned about Cassandra👑💋 since she wasn't feeling well but she told us she is fine I still don't believe it but will take her word for it we  the cleaning up the house so that way tomorrow morning we can just get up and leave so we can go to New Jersey you  know what to come to think of it Cassandra👑💋 does looks kind of cute when she is washing the dishes all I wanna do is wrap my hands around her waist I mean come on she's tiny and cute

G: as me & E: we're helping Cassie clean up the house a little bit we both kept looking at her funny I had butterflies in my stomach Now I don't know if this is feelings but even though she's not feeling well all I wanna do is cuddle her up and tell him is gonna be OK But obviously she's into much pain God we love this girl. I'm pretty sure our  parents are gonna like her

Me: as I was cleaning up E&G We're helping me as well they kept looking at me funny but they're just trying to make sure I'm OK I don't know why they keep looking at me I keep giggling all the time I don't know if they have feelings for me I have no idea but honestly I still don't feel good but I'm a strong girl as we were finishing up we went upstairs did our usual for the night they both came into my room and out of nowhere they kissed me both on the cheek all I can say was Awwww

E&G: we kind of planned out the fact ever gonna kiss her good night on the cheek but I mean I wouldn't mind being you know what I've talk to Grayson about it and he agrees we kind of both wanna date at the same time I guess for both of us we are OK with that  I just don't know how she  gonna feel


Me: I wake up to realize that we are leaving for New Jersey what the hell I decided to get them. We're going to the bathroom to get myself changed butI start to feel really nauseous again and I started vomiting I didn't want to be too loud after I was done I went into the shower wash my hair did my usual got out did my hair and my make up and went outside to see if the boys were up there already downstairs which I wouldn't surprised I got my stuff and my luggage went downstairs and I was ready to go

E: me and G woke up very early and got some stuff ready and waiting for Cassandra👑💋 to come downstairs we hear an awful noise but it sounds like Cassandra👑💋 is getting ready I told Grayson as we see a beautiful soul come downstairs good morning

G: As me and he woke up this morning pretty early to get ready to go to New Jersey I actually peaked into Cassandra👑💋's room to see if she was still awake but she was sleeping it was kind of cute I actually took a Snapchat with the caption she's so cute when she's asleep I went back into the bathroom to get ready to see it on my stuff is packed it's not easy living with someone who takes up the bathroom eat then we all went downstairs to wait for Cassandra👑💋 15 minutes later we hear footsteps coming downstairs in the hallway she must've gone up 25 minutes later she came down my gosh she is beautiful in the morning with no make up on

Me: We going to the car drove to the airport went through customs and finally were on the plane to go to New Jersey it was gonna be a long plane ride but I didn't care obviously I had my two best guy friends ever so I decided to take a Snapchat of the cash and flying out to NJ to meet the parents ✨ ✌🏼

E&G: As we were sitting on the airplane about to fight to NJ I was so ready to see our parents again Obviously Cassandra👑💋 was saying between me and G so we are both lucky as the plane was about to take off Cassie held onto both of me & G hands I guess she was a little scared but we told her we got her

Me: 4 1/2 hours later we arrive to New Jersey it's so beautiful here plus it is hot don't let me tell you what happen on the point can you believe two twins snore like a bunch a little piggies it's OK it was kind of cute we got through customers and finally Grayson decide to call in Uber

E: we finally called Uber got into the car and went straight to our house this is going to be the best week of our lives

G: as we were getting into the car I noticed Cassandra👑💋 looking a little green but she was just probably excited I know she wasn't feeling well but she didn't say anything to us I just hope she's OK for the week

Me: As we were getting closer and closer to the house I started to feel really nauseous I needed to throw up very badly but I was trying not to think about it

We all arrived at the house without a major big welcome and my parents and let me tell you Sean and Lisa already love me it's actually kind of cute they both gave me a hug but is soon as I saw my pants I was so happy to see them it was actually the most fun time of our lives even though we're going to be here for a week

We talked for a couple of hours about how everything is going so far With me/the twins were joking laughing around having a good time I start to feel a little comfortable even though we're going to be here for a week which is so short but I'm going to enjoy it

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