Chapter 4

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After we were done with pizza and talking I finish cleaning up and the twins want to go and watch some TV while I went upstairs to organize my new bedroom as I was doing that I received a message from my ex

Ex: hey Cassandra👑💋 listen I need to talk to you I know I've done some really horrible things and I'm really sorry and I want you know that I'm sorry and I want you come back to me and I didn't mean to hurt you please forgive me

Me: first of all I'm not forgiving you second of all we're not getting back together and third of all I don't want to be with someone like you so leave me alone

Ex: Let me come over and I'll explain I don't think you want to disappointment do you

Me: do you think I'm really scared of you because I'm not to be honest you've done so many bad things to me  is There's something new

Ex: there's a lot of things I would love to do to you right now you know my usual smack your ass face telling you how much ugly ass you have that you're a slut a whore bitch then And the only thing I can do to you is rape you

Me: ya umm you won't find me

Ex: what do you mean I won't find you Are  home probably waiting for me to rape you TELL ME WHERE THE HELL ARE  YOU 

Me: No leave me alone don't text me anymore

Ex: i'm just saying you're going to regret what you're saying to me right now

I didn't even bother texting him back yeah I know it's thinking why was I with him I don't understand at the back of my mind I'm thinking what if he comes and gets me

what if he does what he thinks he's going to do I had tears running down my face but I had to wipe them away because I have footsteps coming up the stairs obviously I know it was the twins

I couldn't let them see me crying because who knows if they'll my secret and I know and look like a slut and a bitch and a whore but I'm just hoping they won't find

my text messages from my ex as I lock my phone And go back to what I was doing I hear knock at the door I say come in obviously was the chance to check up on me to see if I was OK they're so sweet

Hey Cassie you OK I've been hearing you yelling for the past 20 minutes Ethan said

Yeah we've been hearing you for the past couple of minutes or so yelling is everything OK Grayson said

Oh yeah everything's fine I just got angry because I can't find a place to put these pictures up you know I'm very OCD if you know what I mean yeah everything's fine if you guys need anything don't hesitate to call me

Oh no no no no if there's anything you need will be downstairs remember we're not just her bosses we are friends too so if there's anything you need to tell us open up OK the twins said

Oh yeah everything is fine I'm good

As a shut my door there was tears running down my face I seriously wanted to run into their arms and hug them but I can't do that because I'm just a regular girl from Toronto Canada I can't  let them see me like this  

It was around 7:30 PM so I decided to go ahead and take a nice shower just relax myself a little bit obviously I can hear the

twins bickering about something usual two twin boys that just love to fight after my 30 minute shower I got a brush my teeth did my hair did my night routine as usual

  After that I put my sweatpants and a long T-shirt and went downstairs to go get some water The funny thing is I can see the two twins hanging out chilling just like regular teenage boys I told them that I was going to go to bed early a lot to me and said are you nuts

Instead of going to bed early why don't you come with us to target Ethan said

Yeah come on come with us target it'll be fun Grayson said

OK I guess I can come with you guys target I mean it's only 735 I guess I can come

So obviously I got my shoes on tight in my hair in a bun he didn't care that my make up was on we are going in the car and left and let me tell you it's not easy being in a car with two boys fighting over a parking spot it was pretty funny I guess I'm gonna like it here

After we parked we went into target and of course with target being open for 24 hours this is going to be fun not even five minutes these two were up and down the isles I've never seen two grown boys act like five-year-olds is pretty funny At Point

Grayson said why don't you get in the Cart We'll push you around

I said are you crazy do you really think I trust you too boys to push me around a big ass fucking store OK

Cassie you going to make us laugh though I'm gonna pee my pants  Ethan said

Well it's not the first time you've done it Grayson said

Shut up Grayson Ethan said

There were so many people started laughing swear to God people were staring at us we bought so much crap it's so funny we buy junk food Pirates stuff for our rooms went we got more stuff

After that we paid for everything try at home all of us went upstairs didn't even bother to put our new stuff away but obviously put the groceries in the

cupboard in the fridge obviously it was 1145 and we all went to sleep let me tell you it hasn't been easy growing up but this is the most fun I've had in a long time I finally say good night to the boys I just had to give them a hug to say thank you for letting me stay here

Good night dorks

Ethan side So now we're dorks to you

Me: yeah obviously it's your nicknames

Grayson said Actually it's called goofballs

Me: OK good night dork/goofballs

After that went into my room shut the lights off turn off my phone and went to sleep

The Assistant 🤫♥️ E.D G.DWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu