Chapter 51

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1 week later.......
Grayson & Ethan are in the kitchen at this point While I am upstairs getting all of their stuff done including videos and photos for the Instagram pictures it's been a crazy week but things have been pretty well babies are good things are about to get a lot crazier in the coming months and weeks I got to say I've been a little bit distance lately ever since the incident but nothing to worry

G (knock knock on the door)

Me come in it opened

G hey there boo me and e made you breakfast

Me aww thanks

G what you doing

Me editing your videos editing your photos for Instagram so you guys can post finally that's my job right.......

G hey Cassie
(as he pulls up a chair beside me)

Me (as turn around and look at him)

G you OK you've been a little distant from me and Ethan for the past week you OK

Me yeah I guess I'm just tired exhausted and you know I have to keep up with my job and everything else

G Cassie listen we know that you're exhausted and you have the craziest week and I get it

Me I know Grayson but I can't stop I have to get things done

G Cassie Look at me your six months pregnant OK we don't want our mom and her kids to be stressed out if she needs us she comes to us tomorrow what it is

Me I know  I know You guys are the ones that saved me from a tragedy and it's even more that my ex and these bad dreams about him will never go away this nightmare will never go away he's a nightmare to me nobody not even you or Ethan will never what I have gone through in the past three years of my life and I thought everything was going to be OK I thought I was safe here but he knows exactly where I live.......

G (he just looks at me)

Me I put you guys through hell In the few months that I have been I have caused so much damage and I thought I was safe here but no I'm not safe I have an ex-boyfriend who's crazy who is psychotic who I don't even think that he will go to jail for what he has caused and done to me i'm putting my life and my kids on you guys and it's not fair when my kids grow up they will ask me who was my dad who was our dad

(Ethan walks in the room)

Nobody will ever understand what I have gone through I don't want to lie to our kids i've put your careers on the line and it's not fear and how do I know that your fans really do love me for who I am as far as I know they probably think I'm a joke to you guys they probably think that my story is a fucking goddamn lie
And I don't know what to believe I'm scared enough to go to sleep at night time but at the end of the day I know I have to be strong

E First of all Cassandra  look at me us have nothing to do with all of this this is not your fault you did not create a mass OK he have made the worst mistake Because he knows that you're very weak and I'm not saying you are you are one of the strongest women that me and Grayson have ever Met OK.... Cass look
(as pulls up a chair and puts his hand on my knees)

The day you that you walked into me and Grayson's life was the best day of our lives and you're right you thought you were safe here but you know how manipulative of an asshole he is OK our fans believe you and they want to make sure that you and our kids that you have are good are fans know how much we care about them they know how much we care about you our family loves you I knew from the day that you had something that you wanted to tell us and I knew exactly you were scared and I believe you OK it hurts my heart to see you so upset and so scared to even walk outside every day but I know exactly do you are better than anything else

G look Cassie I think what Ethan is trying to say is no matter what you are one of our best friends were not leaving your site at all we're going to be right beside you as a best friend as the best supporters and most of all the best as we could Everby yeah I know it's crazy to think that all of this happened for the wrong reason what he did to you but in the end he's giving us the best gift all three of you are the best gifts of me and Ethan's life

Me  I'm sorry For screaming at you guys I feel really horrible
(I just started to cry) 

G hey hey shhh it okey

E We've got you shhh
*as they Rock me back and forth*

Me I don't want to be alone

G hey hey shh E can u go & get her some water

E yeah I got u brb
*He leaves*

Me Grayson i can't do this

G what can't do

Me have the babies they don't deserve a horrible mother like I am!
*E walks in*

E Cassie what are u talking about you are doing and I promise you you're going to be fine

Me no no somethings going to happen to me or the babies what if I put them at risk what if I do something stupid

G  Cassie nothing is going to happen to you me and Ethan are going to be right beside you the whole time from beginning till end we are not leaving your goddamn site

E Jeez Grayson you went on Daddy mode

G I know this whole Daddy thing is trying to get onto me it kind of crazy

E Cassie listen I know you think that you're going to be a lot during this whole process but you haven't we've been stuck by your hip bone since the beginning you walked into our lives as if you knew us from the very beginning

G We told you if you ever need us to get something or to help you out with something you you know exactly who you're going to

Me I know what you guys are saying OK but I've never experienced anything like this I literally none of my family members here I'm exactly 3,478 kilometres away from my parents and my family OK I'm scared out of my mind I am scared of being in pain like that's already happened I don't know what to expect I know what you guys think that my hormones are up in the air and which they are

E Look at us don't you think we miss our parents and our sister back in New Jersey we are so far away from them we miss them like crazy We can both relate that we are far away from our family members I know how much it's killing you you not even be able to go and touch them I bet these things that we understand you're scared taken from us we are terrified but you know what

Me what?

G We are going to be right there holding your hand telling you it's going to be OK yeah of course it's going to be a pain but we all know how strong you will become you have this you got this your dream was to live with us to get away from night discussing ex of yours he's not going to come near you trust me you are safe with us we are here for you and if you feel like something is not right you come and tell us.

Me you know what you guys are both right but here's the funny thing

G/E what's so funny

Me Ethan is right Grayson you are turning into a daddy mode

E hahah see I was right

Me Ethan I wouldn't talk the other day I was in the living room and all I can hear is you and Grayson talking

E OK what are we talking about exactly and what was I going daddy gaga overing

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