Untitled Part 67

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What a cute chapter! I'm am absolutely enjoying someone's misery as well as the reappearance of a character who has appeared at the start of the main story. I like how the main story and epilogue intertwine with each other – each separate but yet linked – and I think you will like today's chapter before we round off next week on the story of Big Bad Wu-lf and a Little Pig. Happy halloween and happy weekend folks!

Chatper 93 (...continued)

Xiao You Cai is scrambling to keep up with Wu Wen's long stride. The cold air outside the bar hit her squarely on the face and clears her head a little. She finally manages to dig in her heels and halt both of them. "What are you doing!"

Wu Wen is looking none-too-happy either. "I should be the one asking you this. What do you think you are you doing? Drinking with a man at a bar at night? With that poor drinking capacity of yours? Will you even remember your own name after a few glasses? And what do you think you will do after leaving the bar? Do you think that everyone is a gentleman like me and will not take advantage of a drunken woman?"

He gets more and more worked up, his earlier worry all forgotten. He is angry and a corner of him is also feeling guilty. She obviously likes him so what is she doing with another man? And holding hands!

Xiao You Cai is still a little muddled from the wine and is not able to answer his tirade of questions. She only knows that he is pissed and too bad, she is feeling pretty pissy herself. "What has that any of this got to do with you? And let go of me!"

Wu Wen does not wish to force her into a corner and let go of her hand. "Nothing to do with me? I thought you have a crush on me but when I turn around, you can be drinking with Dong Li Dong? You are really quite something. Who do you take me for?"

His words find their mark which is also her sorest spot. She stares at him woodenly, tears welling up in her eyes, and Wu Wen suddenly regrets his rash words. Like the ebbing tide, his anger flows away and he tries to say something comforting. But before he has the chance to speak, he is surprised into silence when she loops her hands behind his head.

He stills but leans down quickly so that their head is on the same level, while thinking to himself: yes, kiss me and we then will be together. That Dong Li Dong can go jump into a remote lake somewhere while I hold you and never let go. I am not going to play with you anymore ....

Xiao You Cai holds his head firmly in her hands, pulls back, and knocks her forehead against his, hard.

His eyes popped open at the unexpected impact as dizziness hits him. He thinks he has been whacked on the head. It is not exactly painful but for a minute, his mind is like a blank canvas and he can hear a buzzing sound in his ears.

Xiao You Cai is not faring much better. In fact, she is feeling a lot worse because his head is much harder than hers. Is this what you call defeating a hundred of your enemy at the cost of 8,000 men of your own?

Wu Wen is the first to recover as he tugs at her hand and scans her face worriedly. "Are you alright?"

His worry change to panic as she pulls her hand from his and starts crying. He starts apologizing. "I am sorry."

"Wu Wen."


"I like you."

"I know, I too – "

"But there is nothing wrong in that. I do not want to like you. I really, honestly do not want to like you if I have the choice." Her tears start falling in earnest but she ignores them. "You need not like me back but why do you have to make fun of me because of that? Is it because if I like you, it cheapens me somehow? Make me a class below normal people and thus deserving of your mockery?"

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