Untitled Part 4

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The next day after Lan Shan sold 2 cars to Wu Wen, she encounters a difficult customer. He keeps his hands to himself fortunately, but he is full of suggestive remarks. Keeping her cool, she brushes his sleazy comments aside but the moment he left, Lan Shan walks to the backroom and calls Xiao You Cai to give the man a verbal bashing.

Blasting the lecherous man from head to toes and then from toes to head again makes Lan Shan feel better. But when she hangs up, she realizes to her horror that there is a man who has appeared from nowhere and who has probably overheard her whole exchange with Xiao You Cai. She drops her phone and her screen blanks out.

The stranger is a very good-looking man with clear, alert features. He wears a suit and although she cannot tell the brand of his suit, Lan Shan is quite sure that it is handmade and therefore, expensive. Recovering her composure, she asks with a smile. "Mister, are you looking for a car?"

He is a bit taken back by her smile but recovers quickly. "I don't mind taking a look."

Lan Shan is curious how a rich-looking guy like him is able to make it to the backroom without being way laid by sales assistants, but she shows him around and answers many questions from him. She finds out that this customer's name is Song Zi Cheng and although his questions can be pretty technical – not to mention that he looks fierce sometimes – Lan Shan much prefers such customers over sleazy lizards and she answers all his questions patiently. From their interaction, Lan Shan feels that this man is not the gossipy type and she relaxes somewhat when he seems unlikely to tell others about her customer-bashing.

Song Zi Cheng did not buy a car in the end but he seems pleased with her professionalism. Having hit her sales quota for the month, Lan Shan is not also pressured by his departure and sends him off with a professional smile.

When he reaches his car parked outside the shop, Song Zi Cheng receives a call. "Darling. I have received the skirt you sent. Thank you so much!"

Song Zi Cheng flips Lan Shan's name card back and forth with his elegant fingers and barely acknowledges the gentle voice at the other end of the phone.

"Are you coming tonight?"


Sensing his reluctance to talk, the caller did not press further and hangs up shortly.

Such an understanding woman, he thinks, which is all he is expecting from her at this stage of their relationship.

Chapter 8: Boss Song

A few days later, Lan Shan receives a request to add someone as her friend in WeChat <Note from MB: WeChat is similar to WhatsApp – an internet text messaging mobile application>. Since her WeChat is used for business purposes, she adds the requestor without hesitation. Just when she is thinking how to find out more about her new "friend", the other party types.

Arien: You are not asleep yet?

As if she is going to answer such a personal question from a stranger! Looking at the name, Lan Shan figures he is probably a shy, lonely man so she gives her habitual reply:- Hi Handsome, I sell cars but am not in the market for dating.

Arien: I am Song Zi Cheng.

Song Zi Cheng? The guy from the other day who peppered her with questions when he has no intention of buying a car? She found out after he left that day that he knows her GM and was at their shop for a meeting. In consideration of her GM, she sends him a smiley face and starts a casual chat with him.

Although Song Zi Cheng did not mention anything about getting a car in their short conversation, she is in no hurry to write him off as a customer and thinks to herself that she will adopt a wait-and-see attitude for this Mr Song.

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