Untitled Part 66

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The epilogue continues its dull turn and I sorely miss its earlier humor. Still after a while, the self-pity and wallowing is pretty entertaining in its own way so without further ado, here is how it goes:

Chapter 92

Xiao You Cai has wondered before on what Wu Wen's reaction will be if he ever finds out that she likes him. Based on his character, she thinks that he will most likely distance himself from her and minimize contact with her. Or he may tell her point blank to stop daydreaming. Or put her down gently with some lame excuse that they do not suit, that she will find someone more suitable for her, etc, etc.

It has never occur to her that he will make fun of her after laying her feelings bare; treating the discovery like watching a show. Although unexpected, his reaction is not totally out-of-character given his wicked streak and Xiao You Cai is hurt.

I have liked you from afar, so carefully, for so long. Yet I am but a joke to you.

At the start of this conversation, she is nervous and not quite knowing what to do. But at his continual teasing, his words are like a bucket of ice water that douses her into numbness. She stands like a wooden statue, not reacting to his taunts and after a while, Wu Wen finds it boring and lets her off so that they can both get back to work.

As he turn around, he worries if he has been too mean but he quickly got over it, thinking that this is only the beginning and that he will have plenty of chances to treat her well in future. For someone who is used to taking charge of any situation, now is the payback for his uncharacteristic passiveness ever since he discovered that he likes her. Afterall, what is the point of being passive if not for the chance to needle her a little now? How can he shortchange himself of the fun?

Unlike him, Xiao You Cai is very down and invites Lan Shan out for dinner that day to share her woes. Lan Shanis incensed when she heard of Wu Wen's mocking attitude. How can he be so different from Qiao Feng when they share the same father and mother? Between her good friend and future brother-in-law, Lan Shan chooses her side without hesitation. "That cheap lowlife!"

"If Qiao Da Shen does that to you, what will you do?"

"I will break his legs!"

Xiao You Cai shivers but sticks out a thumb up. For a moment, Lan Shan wonders if she should change her statement because she only said what she said knowing full well that the mild-mannered Qiao Feng will rarely mock someone.

Too late, her aggression has left an impression on Xiao You Ca and the latter arrives for work the next day with morale high as she prepares to teach that jerk a lesson and not be so cocky around her.

When she has a meeting with Wu Wen in his office later that day, he decides to rattle her a little and orders her make him some coffee. Although this is not part of her job, Xiao You Cai bites down her retort and gets him his coffee. But when she passes him the cup, their hands touch (by accident?) and some of the coffee spills onto the saucer.

Seeing his chance to tease her again, Wu Wen sticks out his hand. "What do you mean by this? Are you trying to be touchy-feely again? If you are so desperate for a feel, here, I'll let you touch."

Xiao You Cai is so angered by his accusation that she reaches out a hand to grab him by the collar. But the desk is too wide so she marches over to him before jerking him by his tie, leaving him no choice but to look up at her. "What do you think you are doing? Are you trying to molest me? Can I remind you that we are in the office and if you really cannot control yourself.... um, can you at least lock the door first?"

She says out of gritted teeth. "If you utter another word of nonsense, I will break your legs!"

He stares at her dumbfolded as she lets go of his tie, before picking up her file and sailing out of the room. He grumbles under his breath about her audacity as she forcefully closes the door behind her. Although he is puzzled by her sudden aggression, he has to admit that when she grabs him by the tie, there is fission of electricity that course through his body.

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