Untitled Part 35

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I know I have said this about a dozen times but Qiao Feng really shot himself in the foot big time. Moral of this story: don't ever mock a girl for being dumb, for when you wish you can see yourself in her eyes, you will find that she is not at the same eye-level as you because you have pulled her down a peg, so there is no one else to blame.

Someone just turned up the heat, and boy is it starting to sizzle. Like Pamela said, QF is really a lady killer although he did not realize it ....... so can we have more please?

Chapter 53: Depressed ('cont)

Lan Shan goes home dejectedly after her meeting with Xie Feng Sheng. Zero! Zero marks! Finally, she sees for herself that her significance in Qiao Feng's universe is about the same as that as a dust particle. Gosh, she couldn't even make it to the interview!

By right, she should go straight home in her current state but when she is at their landing, she pauses in front of Qiao Feng's door. Thinking back, it has nearly become her habit to pop by whenever she is at loose ends. She is pretty impressed with herself really – Qiao Feng is obviously a nerd, how has she managed to spend so many happy hours at his place? After a moment's hesitation, she knocks on his door.

When the door opens, she is surprised to see him dressed in a loose white robe with mandarin collar, which makes him look like some mysterious expert or an alien from outer space. Touching the back of her head, she asks: "Um.... is this Cosplay?"

"No, I am practicing Taichi. Come on in. You can play with Schrodinger while I wrap up."

She follows him to his exercise room and spots Schrodinger sleeping in his corner. Scooping him up, she plants herself at his spot before placing him in her lap. Schrodinger barely opened his eyes after seeing that it is Lan Shan, while she says to Qiao Feng. "Pray continue with what you are doing. I just want to look.... Can I look?"

Qiao Feng nods. Because of the interruption, he has to start from the beginning so he gets into position against a background of soothing music and goes through the various stances once more: Opening stance, Peacock shakes Tail, Dragon turns Back....

His movements are very slow, like a movie in slow motion. He coordinated moves are like a well-oiled instrument, slow, subtle, fluid. Although one can see the strength behind his moves, his control makes his moves look light as a feather. Bath in the sunlight streaming through the curtains, he is as eye-catching as a light-emitting body. Coupled with his nice-looking face, Lan Shan wonders – how can someone looks so good?

Under her scrutiny, Qiao Feng begins to show signs of distraction as his focus slowly shifts to her. Taichi is an exercise that stresses on internal and external balance, and it is paramount for the practitioner to remain focused and calm during practice. But Qiao Feng is finding it harder and harder to focus and he nearly stumbles. Everything is the same – serene room, soothing music – and the only difference is just, her. He can even hear the bang of his heartbeat as it goes pang, pang, pang......

Abruptly, he jumps to the ending position and walks over to off the music. When Lan Shan asks if he is done, he gives a vague "No, I'm stopping" and tries to divert her attention before she can ask further. "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Looking at his tempting back, she asks. "Is there any food that will help improve one's intelligence?"

"No." He shakes his head and gives her a sympathetic look. "If it is for you, it is way too late now". When Lan Shan hears his answer, she huddles Schrodinger closer and refuses to budge from the floor. Looking at her troubled face, Qiao Feng is reminded of a rose that has been over-watered. He walks over and squats so that he is eye-level with her. "Are you unhappy?"

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