Untitled Part 2

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After the first meeting, we get to know a bit more about our main characters. Lan Shan is in her twenties and sells cars. Throughout the novel, the author uses the term "4S Shop" which I take it to mean a car showroom. They are so named in China for they offer the 4 'S' – Sale, Spare Part, (Post Sales) Service, Survey.

As for Qiao Feng, I can only say he has the best family ever. Without further ado, let's delve into the next chapters and meet them!

Chapter 3: Big God (Mr Maverick)

Luckily, Lan Shan's neck injury is not serious and she is able to resume work after a week of rest.

Lan Shan works in a 4S Shop specializing in selling mid-range cars. She is a Sales Leader with several sales executive under her. There is another Sales Leader like her and both of them report to their Sales Manager, Old Wang. Lan Shan is one of the best sales person in her firm and she also seems to enjoy good rapport with her colleagues.

In the afternoon, a man walks into their shop. He is very big and wears a scruffy printed shirt – the type that is favoured by common workers. He is very tanned so he probably spends a lot of time doing outdoor labor. He wears shades and holds a cigarette between his fingers.

One of rookie sales walks up to him: "Hey brother, we do not sell trucks here."

Instead of taking offence, the man smiles, revealing a row of neat white teeth. "Can't I even take a look?"

Lan Shan gives her staff a glare and walks over. Giving the man a polite smile, she looks pointedly at his cigarette. "Mister, this is a non-smoking area. Can I get you to throw away your cigarette?"

The man apologizes and stubs out his cigarette in an ash tray.

Lan Shan invites him to take a seat and pours him a cup of tea. Ignoring the uncomprehending looks sent her way, Lan Shan starts to chat with the customer.

She finds out that he is Mr Wu and he is here to look for a car for his younger brother. His brother is a closet nerd and can be rather difficult at times. "And he insists to choose his own (car) number!" he grouses.

Which means to say, Lan Shan thinks, he either has the money or the power to get his way.

Lan Shan continues to smile. "Mister, you have come to the right place. Our cars may not be flashy, but they are stylish and practical."

The man takes off his shades and returns her smile. "I like it. You are quick."

Lan Shan is surprised that Mr Wu is actually very good looking, but she wastes no time in telling him about their cars. "Would you be interested in an A4? It is one of our best-selling models."

"Hey Beautiful, are you not worried that a construction worker like me cannot afford your cars?"

Lan Shan laughs. "Aw, if you work in a construction site, you must be their construction Prince!" Inwardly, she thinks to herself – construction worker? Who are you trying to kid?

Having been in sales for several years, she has a lot of faith in her judgment. This man may not wear branded clothes but he has very strong presence. When someone implies that he is poor, his composure never slips and he is even able to smile to the speaker instead of getting angry. When asked to discard his cigarette, he displays good manners by complying politely.

In short, there is no way she can be wrong about him.

He drinks his tea and tells her "I do not like the A series. Do you have a R8?"

Despite guessing that this man is loaded, Lan Shan starts to feel excited. A R8 cost at least RMB2 million! She arranges for a test drive and feels like she has hit the jackpot when he decides to buy 2. "One for me, one for my brother." he explains.

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