Untitled Part 19

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Chapter 35: Confused

When Lan Shan gets home that night, she finds to her dismay that she is starting her period as Qiao Feng has predicted. Besides being embarrassed that a man can be so accurate on something this personal, she also wonders if her earlier breakdown can be due to hormonal changes? If so, it would seems that science can be more amazing than magic.

The next day, there is a bowl of red dates porridge on the dinner table which is known to help a person recover from blood loss. Of course, Lan Shan has not mentioned anything about her period to Qiao Feng, but he has cooked the porridge having firmly believed in his earlier diagnosis. Lan Shan realized that although Qiao Feng looks mild-mannered, he is unusually stubborn. Once he has set his mind on something, there will be no turning back even if someone uses nine ox to pull him back. That is assuming of course that there is someone stupid enough to try, to which Qiao Feng would probably nag, nag, and nag the unfortunate brook death.

So she says nothing and simply enjoys her red-date porridge.

Qiao Feng looks at her expectantly. "How is it? This is my first time cooking this dish."

His porridge has just the right degree of fragrance, sweetness, softness, viscosity and feels wonderful in her tummy. "It tastes wonderful!" After savoring several bites of the delicious broth, her licks her lips unconsciously. When she raises her eyes from her food, she sees that he is staring at her and she points to his full plate. "What has come over you? Come and eat."

Qiao Feng jerks out from his reverie and starts to eat.

Teasing him, Lan Shan asks playfully. "Say, do you think I'm like a delectable meal?"

Qiao Feng does not reply and continues eating. Giving up, Lan Shan turns her attention back to her food. From the corner of her eye, she sees a black and white blur zooming across the room and is about to reach her feet. She jerks her feet up "Oh my god, what is this?"

"Fear not, it is just Schrödinger."

Huh? Since when has Schrodinger changed? She bends down to peer at Schrödinger curiously and the cat chooses that moment to lift his head so that she can see that he is wearing a panda costume with a large black and white hood that nearly covers all his face, including his eyes. He bends his head down and meows in annoyance.

"Why do you dress him in a panda suit?"

"I thought that you will like it."

Lan Shan understands in that moment that he has did it in order to cheer her up. A sweet fullness well up in her chest as she eats her red dates porridge and looks at Panda- Schrödinger. "Little Feng Feng, I get the feeling that you are going to replace Xiao You Cai in my heart in the very near future."

To which Qiao Feng concludes on her character – this is a lecherous woman who places sex over friendship.

Something niggles at Lan Shan and she asks a question that has been bothering her for a while. "Qiao Feng, how is your relationship with your brother?"

"We are quite close."

"If so, why doesn't he come here and.... play?"

The question feels all sorts of weird but Qiao Feng answers her matter-of-fact. "He usually comes on weekends. You are usually not around on weekends which is why you seldom saw him."

That leaves Lan Shan with more questions, but it is not appropriate to ask him at this moment so she left the subject as it is.

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