Untitled Part 57

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With all these happening, the busy weekend comes to a close. Even though the truth has come to light, it is never as exciting as gossip, so the circulation of his post is not high and many people remain unaware of the truth and continue to berate Lan Shan on the internet. Knowing this, Qiao Fengs intends to create an even bigger wave. To prepare for the final curtain call, he calls Su Luo.

Su Luo is seriously peeved. She cannot believe her rotten luck when the web agency she hired got arrested and that there are now conflicting version of events on the web, dividing her supporters and anti-fans into 2 camps.

She has also seen Qiao Feng's comment on his Weibo and being only too aware of how literal Qiao Feng is, she knows he is going sue her just as she know the sun is going to rise tomorrow. She called Tan Zi to see if he can help but he declined. She is thinking of who else to approach for help when she receives Qiao Feng's call. "I am calling for a press conference with Lan Shan tomorrow. I hope that you can be present and apologize to Lan Shan sincerely."

"Sure, I can apologize, but I have a condition."

"What is your condition?"

Su Luo sounds as if she is going to cry any moment. "Qiao Feng, please do not sue me."

His reply is flat. "Su Luo, you are in no position to negotiate with me. If you show up and apologize, it will only benefit yourself as you can use it to show the judge that you are truly repentant. I will not force you to come but I am sure you will realize which course of action is best for yourself and act accordingly."

At this, Su Luo starts to cry. "Qiao Feng, please, I beg you. I know that I am wrong! Please let me off! I will definitely apologize! Please do not sue me! Once you do, the school will fire me for sure."

If she has a record, she can forget about ever working in China's academic circle for the rest of her life and she is only worried about being fired? Even then, Qiao Feng is unable to feel any real pity for Su Luo because he doubts she can contribute much to the circle, based on the quality of work he has seen from her so far.

The next afternoon, Qiao Feng calls for his press conference. By right, there is nothing news worthy for 2 non-celebrities but when popular artise Yue Xiao Xiao – most recently in the news for her comments in a slapping incident – announces her intentions to be part of the press conference, many reporters turned up.

When the press reached the event venue, they are very happy to see a group of photogenic people on stage. Besides Yue Xiao Xiao, there is a beautiful but tired-looking Su Luo sitting besides her, and a stunning couple.

To start-off, Qiao Feng laid out the facts on what happened. Next, both Su Luo and Xiao Xiao take turns to apologize to Lan Shan – one for setting her up, another for making irresponsible remarks. The press took lots of pictures and at the end of the press conference, the police came and took Su Luo away.

This article is published on various papers and social sites the next day, and finally draws the curtain on this saga.

Although it is over, the takeaway on the incident by our couple is totally different. Lan Shan is very impressed by Qiao Feng's resourcefulness and thinks that her man is really quite something. As for Qiao Feng, he only has one thought – they need to marry as soon as possible!

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