Untitled Part 58

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In the main story, Wu Wen came across as very manly and street smart. Other than the loud shirt in his first appearance, he has always strike me as a good-looking and intuitive man, despite the ribbing from his mom and dad.

The author wrote a long epilogue about him and Xiao You Chai about 10 chapters long. I may summarize some chapters as I go along but the first chapter here is pretty much as it is. A little bit all over the place, but not unentertaining. This match reminds me a little of the wacky Yoon Eun Hye & her Big boss pairing in "Lie To Me" so I have inserted their drama poster here for a bit of colour. Happy reading!

Chapter 80: Boss Wu x Xiao You Cai

Wu Wen has an eventful life. There are so many happenings in his life that he can probably fill a book with it. If that happens, he figures that one-third of the book will be dedicated to his amazing parents and brother, one-third of it will be dedicated to his amazing wife, and the last third of the book will be reserved for himself to talk about his entrepreneur journey and personal reflections. Especially reflections on how he fell in love with a lunapig call Xiao You Cai.

According to his brother, many obsessions in a person's adult life can be traced back to his childhood. So what is Wu Wen's childhood like?

He has always been a fearless boy. At four, he already dominates his kindergarten and that year, his pregnant mother tells him happily that he is going to have a baby sister.

When he is five, the baby sister that the whole family has been waiting for, made her appearance. Wu Wen remembered standing by the crib calling "Mei Mei (Little Sister), Mei Mei" although the baby paid him no heed and continued sleeping. Papa Wu came to stand beside him and sooth his hair back gently as he tells him that she is his little sister and he shall protect her in future. At this, little Wu Wen sticks out his chest and solemnly acknowledged the responsibility.

Yup, those are his parents. They are so desperate for a girl that they have insisted that their second child is a girl. They dress him like a girl, treat him like a girl and makes Wu Wen calls him "Mei Mei".

For one whole year, Wu Wen thought that girls have dick, just like boys. The only difference is that girls dress differently in pink dresses and ties a pony tail. It is only when he is six that his pink bubble busted and he realized that the true difference between boys and girls is how they pee.

When he confronted his parents, he remembered them apologising solemnly. Although he won that confrontation, he was very disappointed – he has already considered Qiao Feng as his little sister and has protected her like one, but why has he suddenly transformed into a brother? Where has his sister gone? And the worse thing is, his brother seems to get prettier as time goes by (prettier, in fact, than most girls) which makes it harder for Wu Wen not to treat him like his baby sister.

He finally understood how his parents felt.

When Qiao Feng started primary school, the family has reached a stage where they can no longer treat him like a girl. But deep in his heart, Wu Wen has an unfulfilled void to have an adorable sister to look after and protect.

According to Qiao Feng, this is probably why Wu Wen tends to like the same kind of woman: cute, pretty, knows how to sass, likes to be protected... in short, a woman whom he can treat like a sister.

Ok, based on these qualifications, Xiao Cai Wei does seem to fit the bill.

Of course, it does not mean that these are the only criterias. Ever since a lunapig has knocked him to the floor at a hotspring and nearly forced herself on him, he has formed a very bad impression of her. His impression only worsened over time as he realized the extent of her idiosyncrasies. Around 7pm on June 28th, his negativity finally reached the boiling point.

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