Untitled Part 31

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Chapter 49: Reconciliation

After work, Lan Shan did not go home immediately but visits an antique shop. She lays out her porcelain fragments in front of the shop assistant and asks: "I wish to repair this, are you able do it?"

The shop assistant is flabbergasted. "This is the first time I see someone who views a bowl with cute-pixie print as an antique."

"It is not that, I only hope that this bowl can be repaired."

"Why don't you simply buy another one?"

"It cannot be bought."

"To speak the truth, it will be very expensive if we repair the bowl so it is really not worth spending the money. Besides, our repair specialists will likely not want to repair a cute-pixie printed bowl."

"Er.... What I can do then? I am sorry as I am not very familiar with repairs. I only found out about your shop when I google it online."

"You can turn right from the shop until you reach the end of the street. There is a shop selling handcrafted porcelain wares and you can try your luck there."

Lan Shan thanks him and goes looking for the porcelain shop. To be frank, even she cannot understand her determination to get the ordinary bowl repaired, but when the second shop quotes her an acceptable price to piece back the bowl, Lan Shan agrees to it and leaves the bowl with them.

By the time she gets home, it is already near to 9 o'clock but she has no appetite despite not having eaten. After taking off her shoes and putting away her bag, she decides to relax first and play some computer games.

After turning on the power for her computer, she leaves to pour herself some water. By the time she is back, the computer is up and running and she spots a fly at the corner of her screen. It is crawling very slowly which gives her time to get a fly swatter and catches it right in the middle when she swats the screen gently. Just when she is about to wipe the fly away with a tissue, a miracle happened – the fly starts crawling again!

Are there really such hardy flies around? Lan Shan sticks out a curious finger to squash the fly but her finger only encounters the smooth surface of the screen, while the fly continues its leisurely crawl across the screen.

After peering closely at her screen, Lan Shan becomes sure that the fly is actually inside her screen. Funny, how did it get in? Although she does not know the internal structure of a computer, she knows someone who does although she is not ready to look for him just yet.

Since she bought the computer from Taobao.com, she logins to the website and contacts their friendly customer service.

Customer Service 002: Hello, good evening. How may I help you?

Lan Shan: Good evening. I have a fly inside my computer screen.

Customer Service 002: ......

Lan Shan: I like to ask how can I get it out?

Customer Service 002: Miss, our business is very brisk and I am very busy. Please pardon my inability to joke along with you.

Lan Shan: It is true, I am telling you the truth!

Customer Service 002: Miss, if you continue like this, we will have to end the chat.

Lan Shan: Please believe me.....

Lan Shan: Hello? Are you still there?

Lan Shan: Please listen to me.

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