Untitled Part 61

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The author mentioned that it is a combination of bullying instinct plus boredom that makes Wu Wen tease Xiao You Cai, but I find it cute to see him alternating between chauvinism and jealousy.... with jealousy getting more and more rampant as the days go by! Moral of the story folks, is to please exercise caution of what you do when you are bored.

Chapter 85: Boss Wu x Xiao You Cai

In contrast to Wu Wen, Xiao You Cai is depressed. He has proven that she is vulnerable to his charms and when he bats his eye, she becomes the equivalent of a fish on the chopping board – powerless to do anything. And the worst part is, even if she is a willing fish on the chopping board, Wu Wen may not want to look in the first place.

Depression and anger at his arrogance is a potent mix in her stomach. She chose to sit at the back passenger seat rather than the front, and does not utter a single word on the journey home.

Her unusual silence caught Wu Wen's attention and he checks in on her from time to time through his rear mirror. When she tugs her hair in frustration, he mellows. "I say, do you really need to pull your hair like this? Can't you take a joke?"

Her answer is stiff. "Boss Wu, please refrain from such jokes in future. I am a woman afterall, and you are a man. There should be some distance between the two."

He cannot resist the barb. "Yo, so you mean to say that you have never touched me before?"

"That is because I mistook you for someone else. Someone else you hear! Don't tell me you also mistook me for someone else?"

He did not react to her aggression and wonders. "Do I really resemble your ex-boyfriend?"

Xiao You Cai does not know how to answer. There has never been an "ex" but she has no intention of letting him know that. "Yes, there are some similarities.... but he is much better-looking than you!"

Wu Wen is not too pleased at her answer. "That, I do not believe. Do you have a picture of him?"

She turns to look at the passing scenery outside the window. "No. I have deleted them all."

He says half-mockingly. "If he is such a good-looking man, how could he have fallen for you?"

Depressed, sad and now adding self-mocking to the mix, she shoots back. "It is because I am gentle, pretty, obedient, understanding, and the most important part is – I am damn good in bed! There! Satisfied?"

The car screeches to a halt and she hits the seat in front of her. "What are you doing!"

Wu Wen can feel the thunderclouds whirling in his brain. He is worried that he will drive his car like an airplane in a moment of anger, and has to pull over – regardless of whether they can stop here or not – rather than speed through a crowded city and endanger himself and others. He turns to glare at her, his tone sharp. "How can you say such a thing with a straight face! Are you a woman or not?"

"I do not recall saying anything wrong!"

"You.... an unmarried woman, claiming to be good in bed..." he trails off uncomfortably.

Xiao You Cai is long past rational. "You seem so uncomfortable saying these words Boss Wu. Is the truth more like you cannot make it in bed?"

Wu Wen is nearly driven nuts. "You, you, you.... get off my car!"

Xiao You Cai opens the door, lugs the box of wine into her arms, and gets off. This box belongs to her and she sees no reason to give it up just because of the quarrel. Although the box is a little heavy, she is still able to carry it and with her hands full, she kicks the door shut, leaving a small dent on the door.

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