Chapter 28: feral

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~Canada's POV~
"Huh weird America hasn't replied yet" I said. "maybe he didn't see it yet" Poland said. "yeah but it says read" "maybe he's phone died you can ask him when we get at he's dorm" Japan said. "I guess your right I just worry to much" I said as we got into the the elevator and up to the floor America's dorm was. (they were in South Koreas, Poland and Philippines dorm)
Once we reached the dorm Germany opened the door for us.

"America" I called out. "I'm going to make some coffee who wants some" Germany asked. "I'm going to check the bedroom for America there" I said opening the door. "America there is you are" I said walking over to him. As I got closer something seemed wrong.

America had large wings that were pitch black. Then he turned around and looked at me. "A-America w-what happened" I asked. I couldn't even see America's flag anymore as it was covered Black all over him. America growled as he started walking towards me. "A-America are you ok" America then pinned me to the ground but I was able to keep him from attacking me while on the ground. "What's taking you so—" "CALL EU NOW" I said cutting Japan off. Japan then whipped out her phone and started to call EU. "What's going on" the others said as they rushed into the bedroom. "Holy shit is that America"South yelled." brother please I know this isn't you please brother" I sad looking at America and he's eye's so.... So dull but yet they where a bright red. I could see that inside he was trying to fight it. Before I could speak another word to him, I seen he's claws come down then I blacked out.

~Germany's POV~
America just attacked Canada and dragged his claws along Canada's face. "CANADA" Poland shout which then caught America's attention. America then began to run towards Poland with he's claws out ready to attack just when I pushed Poland out of the way instead getting hurt. I feel to the floor with my hand on my chest where I got the wound and just before America could attack again south hit America on the back of he's head with a office chair causing him to fall unconscious. "EU is a on he's way" Japan said as she got off the phone. "Poland get the bandages in the bathroom" I asked and he nodded. "is Canada ok" I asked. "he's really injured but I think he'll be fine with the proper treatment" South said as Poland came back. He handed me and South the bandages and I wrapped them around my chest. South then rapped them around Canada's wounds on the left side of he's face. "what happened to the America" Poland asked looking at him. "m-maybe he went feral" Japan replied. Just then EU burst through the door. "Where America" he yelled. "he's unconscious on the floor" I replied. "shit" EU said looking at him. "who got injured" he asked. "just Canada and Germany" South replied. EU sighed as he picked America up. "come with me" he said as we walked out to he's van (Shady). "we'll go to my place and I'll Try to help"

~At EU's place~
" what are you going to do with America" Poland asked. "He's to dangerous right know your lucky he didn't kill any of you. I'm going to try and find a cure for him so he'll stay with me for now. If I put him in a room he could easily break the door down so as bad as it sounds I'm going to put him in a cage" EU said sighing. "I understand" I replied. We followed EU as we walked into a room with a large cage in the corner (why would you have that jk he a scientist so yeah) EU then place America in there then locked the door to the cage. "You all can visit him if you want but it won't be the America you know" EU said. We all agreed.

We then walked into EU's sitting room as he made sure Canada and I where ok. "that's a nasty wound Canada's got" EU said as he unwrapped the bandages. "is he going to be ok" Japan asked. "he might be blind in one eye but I'm not sure yet it all depends how it will heal. For now though he'll need a eyepatch so it doesn't get infected" EU said as he put one on him. "Germany are you ok" EU asked. "Y-yeah it's just a scratch" I said. "EU checked it out and everything was fine.

~Canadas POV~
I walked up gasping for air. My breathing the slowed down as I seen EU, Germany, Poland, Japan and South surrounding me." Where's America"I asked frantically. "he's uh not going to be himself for a while" Germany said. "w-what happened" I asked. "America attacked you and then he attacked Germany and the I hit him with a chair causing him to fall unconscious then EU came and put him in a cage but we can visit him he just won't be America" South said out of breath at the end. "what did happen to America" I asked. "I'm not sure why he went feral yet but don't worry I'll figure things out. You all should go get some rest you can visit America tomorrow" EU said.
We all lefts EU's and walked back to our homes and dorms.

~Russia's POV~
Canada just sent me a text.

Hey something just happened to America and he won't be himself for a while you can visit him at EU's if you'd like. He can explain it to you


I ran out of Ukraine's House and straight to EU's House. "WHERE'S AMERICA" I shouted running into the house. "R-Russia....oh he's in here" EU said as he should me America. He was in a cage but looked completely different. He had wings and I couldn't see he's flag. "w-what happened" I asked. "h-he went feral" EU said as he left me in the room with America. I walked over to the cage and America growled at me. "A-America it's me Russia" I said as I sat down beside the the cage. "I'm sorry this happened to you. You never get a chance to feel happy....that must be painful" I said as a tear fell down my face.
"I just want you to be happy" I said as I looked at America with a smile on my face and tears rolling down my face.
Okai that's all I got for know I'll try and and have the next chapter out Friday. 1139 words


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