Chapter 20:America

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~Russia's POV~
I woke up to noise downstairs. Everyone was probably awake and downstairs eating breakfast. I got up and dressed and headed downstairs. "morning Russia" Japan said to me  "morning" I said back as I sat down at the table . Ukraine handed me a cup of coffee "here you go you'll need energy as we already going for a walk later" Ukraines said
"oh thanks" I replied with as I started to slowly drink the coffee. Everyone was talking among themselves as I checked my phone. I scrolled through Instagram for a bit looking at all the photos people have shared of their lives. I never really posted on Instagram I used to when America was here but since he left I haven't posted it in awhile.

~Time skip cause I'm running out of detail and ideas~

We decided to go on the walk and walk towards the mountain as Japan wanted to see it. We all got on scarves and coats as it was snowing outside very even though it was snowing very lightly it was still quite cold. We all walked outside as the cold air hit our faces we walk along a small trail that led up to the mountain, the mountain wasn't that big but Japan still wanted to have a look. As Japan and South Korea walked in front of us Poland Germany Canada Ukraine and I walk together up chatting among ourselves. I wasn't really paying attention to them and was looking around the forest the trees were so tall and it seemed like they kept going for miles across the large Forest. As we where walking I thought I saw a shadow of a person walk across one side of the forest. I thought nothing of it and thought it was an animal of some sort and continued walking although I seen that same shadow a couple times after that.  

When we finally made it below the small mountain Japan took some photos with South Korea as Canada and Ukraine explored the surrounding area while Germany and Poland chatted amongst themselves. We stay there for an hour before we decided to head back as I was getting dark. "are you're coming Russia" Germany asked as the others continued walking. "yeah I'll meet you back there im just going to stay here a bit longer" I replied with. Germany nodded and ran up to the the rest of the group.

I walked around the area for a little bit and decided to sit down at the edge of a cliff. I sat down and looked across the forest it seemed so big like it never ended. I couldn't stop thinking how if America was here how he would love to see this. America always loved scenerys like this.

~America's POV~
(he ain't dead bois)

I was walking around the forest as EU only let me when it was dark out. (i bet everyone is so confused right now) He said he didn't want anyone to see me which I can understand why looking like this. I was walking when i noticed some people walking along the trail I never really saw their faces so I didn't know who it was but usually people never really walked along here. I decided to follow them as I was curious that's when I noticed one of their faces it was Russia. What was he doing here. It was so long since I last seen him I wanted to hug him so badly but I couldn't. EU wouldn't allow me to be seen. I noticed who the rest were too they were old friends of mine along with my brother Canada. I really wanted to say something to tell them where I've been they must have been so worried but I couldn't, oh how I wish I could have told my brother everything was ok and that it wasn't his fault. I also noticed how they were all infected this is all my fault I was the one to blame.

I watch them for about an hour before they all decided to go back but then I seen Russia wasn't leaving with them instead he was going over to the edge of cliff and sitting down he seemed to be deep in thought and I watch from afar behind a tree. About half an hour passed and I decided it would be best to get back to EU. I turned around when I suddenly Stood on a branch and cracked it. I looked back to see Russia had turned around I don't think he could see me as I quickly ducked down behind a Bush. I thought I was safe when I suddenly heard Russia's footsteps getting closer. Oh shit was he coming towards me. What should I do. I didn't know if I should run or stay, if I stayed he would have seen me but if I ran he probably would have chased after me. And if I know Russia he's way faster at running than me. I decided to run as at least there was a chance of him not spotting me.

On the count of three I made a run for it. I didn't look back to see if he was chasing me but I didn't need to as I heard his footsteps quickly running behind me. I ran behind a large Boulder hoping he wouldn't see me behind it. After about 5-minutes I heard his footsteps slowly fading away. I then slowly made my way back to EU's house.

I slowly opened the door and walked into the EU's office. "EU you'll never guess who I saw" I said frantically. "oh who was it" EU replied not looking up at me. "I seen my brother and Russia and-and". "No" EU cut me of. "huh" I replied. "your going to end up asking me if you can talk to them....No" EU replied angrily. "but-But" I stumbled out. EU stood up and looked at me. "America in your condition we can't allow it what happens if you lose control" EU said in a serious tone. "I-I know but if you let me try" I said "No not until I've found a cure. Now leave me to work" EU said sitting back down. "ok" I said defeated as I headed to the room that I called mine. It was small with a bed in the corner and a wardrobe with a handful of clothes, it also had a small window beside my bed that I liked to look out at night and see all the the stars. I sat on the bed and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Russia.. what if he seen me. Does he still even care for me. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

Well that was that. I did have a different idea for this chapter but then in school I got this much better Idea so I went with thistle one. Also this is what America looks like now and I'll explain in the next chapter why he looks like this know

 Also this is what America looks like now and I'll explain in the next chapter why he looks like this know

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Sorry its bad I did it in coloured pen's

The art contest is closed and I will be telling the winners tomorrow. Sorry if you didn't get your art finished. I'm also surprised I got this done this quickly
1237 words


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