Chapter 4:Extra Cuddles

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America's POV
I awakening to the sound off my alarm clock.
"ugh" I growned getting out off of bed.
I reach for the my sunglasses and get dreesed.
I put on a black hoodie with some jeans and made my way downstairs.

"hey America mom made pancakes, do you want any" Canada said pouring a shit ton of maple sryrup on his pancakes
"uhh no I'm not hungry" I said as I grabbed my bag
"I'm going to school now" I said walking out the door
"okay be careful" I hear my mom say as I walk out of the house.

As I walk I feel like the autumn breeze hit me. "I should have brought a warmer jumper" I say.
When I reached the school I see Russia in front of the school gates
"took you long enough" Russia said to me with a smile on his face
"why are you here so early" I reply letting out a yawn.
"eh I get up early" Russia says back to me also letting out a yawn.

As Russia and I headed to class Estonia and Finland where giving out flyers for a party.
"oh Russia, America you most come" Estonia said with joy. I take a flyer from Estonia "it's a coutume party" Finland says giving Russia a stare. Finland and Russia never really got along but Estonia was good friends with Russia. I gasp "We got to go Ruski" I say As I burst out with excitement. "yeah why not" Russia replied. "okay everything you need to know is on the flyer" Estonia says handing out flyers to other countries.

At the end of school (I'm lazy okay)

After class Mr EU called Russia and me to talk with him.
"America so you've been getting bad results on your maths tests lately so I've decided that Russia here will be tutoring you after school" Mr EU says.
"oh okay" I replied looking at Russia who gave me a unimpressed look.

Russia and I walk to his house
"damn 11% on your maths test how can someone be that bad" Russia says to me laughing. "it's not funny it's sad" I reply. "your right it is sad, just soo sad how will you ever live" Russia says giggling.

Still America's POV

"Where here" Russia said opening the door"
"Brother" Belarus Shouts as she hugs him.
"oh who is this" Belarus says
"H.. Hi I'm America" I said
"I've to tutor this idiot" Russia stated
"ahh okay" Belarus yelled running off.

Russia and I are sitting on the floor off Russia's bedroom as he is teaching me algebra.
I feel myself started to dooze off. My eyes are getting heavy and I can't hear what Russia is saying

Russia's POV

I feel something heavy on my shoulders, when I look I see America had fallen asleep. I put him onto my bed he looks so cute. I start blushing the more I think about America, God why can't I stop. I sit in the bed beside America as I feel America get closer and is cuddling beside me. I don't want him to leave it feels nice to have him cuddled up beside me. I started to feel tried and eventually fall asleep.

Sorry This took me a while cuz I had school and shitty homework to do but yeah the next chapter hopefully will be better as I rushed the end of this one

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