Chapter 25: Late Night Hospital Trip

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~Narrators POV~
Germany rushed in his dorm. "Russia did you hear?" "woah calm down And hear what?" "America's in the hospital" "WHAT. How w-what happened" Russia asked panicked. "Canada told me that Mexico attacked him with a bat. wait where are you going?" Germany asked. "I'm going to see America" Russia said as he put on he's coat and rushed out the door. Russia ran to the hospital and once he got there he asked witch room America was in. "sir visiting times are over" "please I need to see him" "as I said sir visiting times are over. You can come back tomorrow at 9am" Russia nodded and sighed as he left the hospital. He sat down on a bench outside and lit a cigarette. "I hadn't had one of these in a while" Russia said as he sighed. "God this is all my fault" Russia sat down for about half an hour until he decided to head back to his dorm. "did you see America" Germany asked when Russia got in the door. "uh n-no visiting times where over" "o-oh well I'm going to go to bed" Germany said getting up and going to the bedroom.

Russia sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. He wasn't watching the TV but just wanted the background noise. He was on he's phone just scrolling through Instagram and felt small tears fall down he's face and onto he's phone. "this is all my fault. I was the one that told Mexico" Russia muttered to himself. He then slowly fell asleep on the couch.

~Russia's POV~
I opened my eyes to see Germany gently pushing me. "oh you're awake I just thought you might wanted to see America. Its 10:30am" Germany said . "oh yeah thanks Germany" I replied as I grabbed my coat and rushed out the door.

When I arrived at the hospital I asked what room America was in "he's in room number 06" "thanks" I walked over to room six to see that Canada was just leaving America's room. "is he okay" I asked nervously. "he can't remember some things but he seems to remember most things but where still not sure yet" Canada replied. I nodded and entered the room. I seen America on the bed with bandages on his head. "America are you ok" I asked.
"who are you?"

Sorry to end the chapter here but I have no motivation left so that's why it's so short. 421 words


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