Chapter 26: Small Memory

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~Russia's POV~
"A-America it's me Russia"
"I'm sorry but I don't remember you. The doctors said it might be difficult for me to remember somethings" America said.

"Y-You can sit down if you what" America asked he's voice raspy. I nodded and sat down beside him. "what do you think remember" I asked. "I-I remember my family and-" I cut America off. "do you remember what happened when you ran away" I asked. "I-I never ran away" America asked confused. I sighed I guess he was doesn't remember that too. "do you remember what happened that night I found you in crying in that building. You where I so much upset and I comforted you. We sat under a tree that night and I carried you to my house" I asked trying to hold my tears back. "gah" America said holding he's head. "A-America are you ok" I asked panicking a bit. "I'm f-fine just a headache that's all" America said reassuring me. "o-ok I should let you rest then"
"it was nice meeting you" America said
"goodbye Моя любовь (my love)" I said leaving the room. America looked at me confused while I left (he doesn't know Russian)

~America's POV~
I looked at Russia as he left and repeated those words to myself "Моя любовь where have I heard that" I said to my self. I decided not to over think as my head was hurting me so I layed down and tried to rest.

I was in a familiar place. I looked around and seen myself but I was in the corner of a dark room. "h.. Hey a..are you o... Ok" Somebody said. I look around the room and seen that Russia guy talking to the other me in the corner of the room. I kept watching the interaction the two had. If felt somewhat familiar like I experienced this before. The too then walked outside and sat under a tree like Russia described to me earlier. I woke up as the other me fell asleep.

I woke up and started to cough violently. A nurse then came into my room to help me. Once I stopped coughing the nurse left me to be. What was that dream about it it felt like I just remembered something.
I shouldn't keep this to myself just in case I'm wrong. I thought as I tried to fall back back asleep.

I woke up and checked the time. It was 12:00am already. I sat up and thought about my dream last night. Canada then came in. "hey America. You felling any better" Canada asked. "Y-yeah just have something on my mind" "what is it"
"oh its nothing important" I lied. It felt really important to me but I wasn't sure whether to tell anyone yet. "the doctor say that you can leave. So I brought you some clothes" Canada said handing them to me. "thank you. I'm going to put these on now" I replied. "ok I'll be outside waiting for you" Canada said leaving. I put on the clothes Canada gave me. It was was a white NASA hoodie with a black turtle neck shirt and some black ripped shorts, red sneakers and high knee black socks. Once I was finished I walked out to Canada. "hey" I said. "are you ready" Canada asked. I nodded and we both left the building. "I'll drive you back to your dorm" Canada said as we both got into his car and drove to my dorm.

~Time skip to when they got there~

"thanks bro" I said leaving the car.
"no worries and if anything happens please call me" Canada asked. I could not here the worry in he's voice. I nodded and turned around to enter the dorms. I walked up to my dorm which was one of the things I did remember. I opened the door of my dorm and entered. I seen Germany and Russia on the couch. "America your back I heard what happened are you ok" Germany asked getting up and giving me a hug "I'm fine" I replied. "Russia said you can't remember somethings. Is that true"
"Y-yeah" I replied. "oh America I'm sure you'll remember soon you just need time" Germany said. "I hope your right" I replied. "im going to go to Poland's place I'll give you too space" Germany said as he left. I think sat down on the couch beside Russia. "Can we w-watch a movie" I asked "yeah what movie" Russia asked. "I don't care"

Russia then proceeded to put on a movie. We watched their movie and about half an hour in its decoded to tell Russia about that dream I had.
"hey Russia"
"yeah America"
Okai that's All for this chapter but I have some news OwO

1)I'm not going to make a squeal book as it is would only be about 10-20 chapters long to I'm just gonna continue this book.

2)I made this video

It's related to this book

That's all I've so I hope ya enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you. 870 word. I know it's short


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