Chapter 22:Family Reunion

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1 year later

~Narrators POV~
"I-I've done it" EU said in shock. "I think I really did it" "AMERICA COME HERE" EU shouted to America who soon came rushing in. "what is it" he asked in a panic. "I found a cure so you won't lose control" EU said. "really.....y-you really found a cure. Does this mean I can finally go home" America asked excited. "yes it does America" EU answered back. "I-I get to see my family again....I get to see Russia"

EU handed a small beaker with a purple like substance inside. "here drink this. It should stop you from going feral and in a couple of weeks all the black on you should go. Although I still haven't found a cure for for the hole infection but I'm working on it" America nodded in excitement and drank the purple substance. "it will take time to set in" EU said. "when can I go home' America asked." I'll drop you home tomorrow does that sound okay" EU replied. America nodded

~America's POV~
Morning time came around and EU and I got into the car and drove of. The car ride was mainly quite with  small talk now and again. I ended up falling asleep in the car as it was a 3 hour drive and we left early in the morning. I slowly woke up and noticed we where in a familiar place. I was home. I couldn't wait to see everyone again they must of been so worried. I was excited but at the same time nervous. Maybe it's the thought that they've forgotten about me but i know my family would never forget about me right.... "America" EU spoke up. "huh" "where here" we slowly got out of the car and walked towards my house, its been so long I can't believe I'm home. My heart was racing as we got closer to the door until
Knock knock
EU knocked on the door.......
"hello" I knew that voice it was aussie. He would be about 15 know. "A-America is that really y-you" aussie said. I walked over to him and gave him a massive hug. I started to cry as I knew i was home now. EU waved goodbye to me and I thanked him as he left. I walked into the house with Aussie. "America where where you everyone thinks your dead" "Its a long story. Where is everyone else" "oh they went out shopping but I didn't want to go so I stayed at home"
"Heh I guess they'll have a nice surprise when they get back then" I said. "what happened to your face America" Aussie asked. "oh this well I'll explain when everyone comes back" I said.

~Narrators POV~
Aussie and America talked for about 20 minutes and then they heard the door knock. "they must be home" Aussie said walking over to the door. "I'll stay in the sitting room" America told Aussie. Aussie walked to the door and opened it to let UK, France, Canada and Kiwi inside. "hey we've someone in the sitting room waiting for you guys" Aussie said as he pointed to the sitting room door that was closed. "oh who is it" Canada asked. "go in and check"  he told them. Everyone walked into the sitting room and where shocked to see America sitting down on the couch. "h-hi" America stuttered out everyone rushed over to him. "Amérique mon pauvre bébé ce qui est arrivé comment allez-vous à la maison"(America my poor baby what happened how are you home). France asked. "Your poor face ame what happened" UK asked

~after America explained everything cuz I'm lazy~

"Im going to make your favourite dinner America" France said leaving into the kitchen. "America I'm so happy your back" UK said giving America a hug. "I'm happy to be back to" America replied. UK then walked in the kitchen to France.

~Canadas POV~
I slowly walked over to America and hugged him. Tears ran down my cheek as as I hugged my brother. "A-America I'm so sorry. I-I didn't m-mean to say those t-things" I stuttered out. "Canada it's not your fault I ran away" "t-then why did you run away" "I ran away cause I didn't want to accept what I did to our family and friends" America said quietly. "AMERICA I'M JUST SO GLAD YOUR BACK" I shouted hugging him harder. America then walked over to kiwi and hugged her. "she's gone so big" America exclamated. "I'm 8 know" Kiwi said proudly. America laughed.

3 days later (sorry im lazy ^~^)
~America's POV~
It's been 3 days since I've been home and today I'm hoping to surprise Russia. I asked Canada if he still lives in the same house and Canada said yes. I walked over to Russia's house. I'm surprised I still remember the way there but then again it feels like nothing as changed. I walked up to Russia's house with a bunch of flowers in my hand. They where red roses one of Russia's favourite types of flowers. I walked up to his door and knock on it.
No answer
I knocked again
No answer
I walked to the window and looked in.
The roses fell out of my hands on into the floor. Tears rushed down my face as I seen Russia kissing Mexico. I guess he forget about me. (boi all I can think of know it baby from fnaf saying I guess you forget about me XD. Sorry to ruin the mood) I slowly walked back home tears still running down my face. I felt heartbroken but I guess he decided to move on.........

Oof well that was that new chapter is out sorry its not as long as I'd like it to be. I'll have another chapter out maybe Sunday if I can get one done. I do have Christmas exams soon so I'm not sure if I'll have a chapter out. 1010 words


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