Chapter 24: Injured

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~Narrators POV~
"I'm sorry Russia" America said slowly. "A-America you've nothing to be sorry about" Russia said walking over and hugging America. America let out a quite sob as he hugged Russia. "B-but what about Mexico" America asked. "what about him" "A-Aren't you going at with him" "I-I....yes" Russia replied. "D-Do you still love me" America asked quietly. "of course" "Do you still love Mexico". Russia failed to say anything to America. "I knew it" America said as he walked out. "America please wait" Russia said in response.

America walked back to he's dorm and walked into the bedroom. He got up onto his bed and layed down quietly sobbing until he fell asleep.

~America's POV~
I woke up see the room was pitch black. I checked the time on my phone it was 4:15. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I got down from my bed and headed into the kitchen. It walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water water. I then went to the sitting room and turned on the TV and watched a film. I put it on low volume so it wouldn't wake the others. I still believe that Russia loves Mexico more than me. Even if he says its not true I feel like it is. A couple hours pasted by when Russia woke up and entered the sitting room. "H-hey ame" Russia said sitting down beside me. "how did you uh sleep" "I'm going to get dressed" I say as I get up. I walked into the bedroom and opened the wardrobe and picked out some jeans with a black jumper. I then walked into the bathroom and got changed. I remembered the that I had that interview today and decided to go early but just as I was about to leave I felt Russia's hand on my shoulder. "America please can we talk" "I-I don't want to talk to you right now" I say as I walk out the door and into the elevator.

~Russia's POV~
I sighed and sat back down. Why does America not want to talk to me. I pulled out my phone to text Mexico.

Hey Mexico

Hey babe

Can I go over to your place to talk about something

Of course~

Ok ill be right over

I put my phone in my pocket and headed over to Mexico's place. I walked over to Mexico dorm which was not too far away from mine. I sighed as I walked over to his dorm.  I just wanted to make things right with America again. Maybe if I brake up with Mexico he'll forgive me. When I got at Mexico's dorm I knocked on he's door. "Hey Russie" Mexico said answering the door. "hey Mexico""hey come in and sit down" Mexico said. "thanks" I say as I sat down. "so what did you want to talk about" "well......I-I'm sorry Mexico but I don't think where going to work" "It's America isn't it. I seen he was back" "y-yeah" I replied. "o-oh ok I see" Mexico said. "I'm sorry but—" "please get out" Mexico asked. "ok" I said as I leave.

~Mexico's POV~
Heh so America wants to steal my Russie well he's not going to know what hit him. I guess tonights going to get a bit messy.

~America's POV~
I walked out of the cafe. Great I didn't get the job. I guess I wasn't cut out for that job. I sighed and walked home it was about 4 o clock but it was starting to get dark out. It was quite cold and I didn't have a coat. I remember Russia used to let me have he's coat when I was cold. I blushed at the thought and continued walking. I then heard footsteps behind me I walked faster. But the footsteps got closer. I started to run but they did to. I ran into an alleyway to try and hid from then but they where to close. I was cornered. My breathing increased. Shit way does this stuff allways happen to me. "hello America" I look up. "Mexico" "Heh I guess I need to teach you a lesson for stealing my Russie" "w-wa do you mean?" I asked. "oh well Russia broke up with me so he could be with you but if your not here then Russia can't be with you so he'll be with me instead" "Mexico please we can talk about this" I begged. "its too late for that now" Mexico said as he swung he's baseball bat.

~Narrators POV~
Mexico swung he's baseball bat and hit America in the stomach  causing him to fall down on the ground. America clenched his stomach. "gah" "oh I'm just beginning" Mexico took another swung and hit America's head causing him to fault. Blood was on the ground as America's head began to bleed. Just as Mexico was about to swing someone seen him. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING" He shouted. Mexico turned around. "The guy then ran over to Mexico and pushed him to the ground causing him to fall. Another guy then appeared. "Call the police" The first guy said. The second guy nodded and dialled the police. Meanwhile the first guy was trying to keep Mexico to the ground. "uh hello police there is a guy who just injured a man" "okay please remain calm where are you" "where at [insert place here]" "okay the police and an ambulance will be there shortly is the guy armed" "uh he has a baseball bat. My friend is keeping him to the ground" "ok sir remain calm is your friend injured" "No he's not" within 5 minutes the police along with an ambulance showed up. The police arrested Mexico and the ambulance took America and brought him to the hospital.

Ah sorry I'm late with posting but I've been busy so ye. Damn this chapter was crazy though. Anyway 1015 words.


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