Chapter 16: Infected

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Shit is going down in this chapter boiis

~Narrators POV~
"what happened what do you mean you messed up" America said as he forgot about his problem. "I did something bad" Russia replied as he calmed down.

~after Russia explained everything to America~

"y-you see" Russia said that as he looked down at the bright green grass. "Fuck, Russia do you know what this means" America said in a serious tone.
"I-I've turned Ukraine" Russia replied looking at America. "Russia is your brother dating anyone" America said quite scared on what the answer will be. "When you where gone Canada and Mexico broke up and Canada got together with Ukraine" Russia said.

"Ah fuck" America replied as he grabbed Russia's arm and pulled him up also putting his hood back up. "where are we going" Russia said as he got dragged by America. "To find Canada and Ukraine to make sure Ukraine doesn't Infect My brother" America replied Pissed. Russia just agreed as he knew if he said anything America would just give out. America and Russia had lost track of time and soon realised school ended half an hour ago. (it doesn't make sense but oh well) America got out his phone and started texting Canada.

Where you at bro?

At our house

Is Ukraine there?



What why do you need to know that!

Just tell me or I'll tell Mum you where the one that smashed her vintage wine.

OK OK ill tell you we did. Know tell me why you want to know that.


You ok bro

I'm going to a party tonight be back later if you want to talk

"shit Russia where too late" America said as he looked at Russia disappointed. America sat under a tree that was in a park they where passing by. "Its all my fault Russia" America said as he stated to sob. "No its not, America its my fault, I was the one that hit Ukraine" Russia said in a sincere tone. "yeah but I was the fool to kiss you even though I knew" America said crying by know. "But you liked it~" Russia joked which made America laugh.

America headed home after an hour or so of hanging out with Russia. Once America was home he went to bed forgetting about his horrible day. When America woke up up he headed downstairs and was greeted by Canada who was eating pancakes. "hey Canada how was the party" America asked trying to avoid telling Canada that he was infected. "oh it was good we manly played spill the bottle" Canada replied munching on Pancakes. "oh you did eh. Did you or Ukraine kiss anyone" America said grinding his teeth together. "well of course it's spin the bootle. What's your obsession with me kissing everyone" Canada replied confused. "oh nothing" America said as he walked out of the room.

~America's POV~
Well that's great, Canada and Ukraine probably kissed a bunch of people that kissed more people. What have I done. I meesed everything up. My thoughts where intruded when I heard screaming coming from outside. I looked out the window and seen a bunch of counties who where turned and everyone was screaming. When suddenly my dad burst through the door. "WHAT DID YOU DO" UK shouted as he grabbed my shirt coller. "I-it wasn't me" I said lying. "DON'T BE SO STUPID WHO ELSE IS A MONSTER" my father replied as he slapped me across my face and walked out the door. Before my father left he looked me in the eyes and said "Monster".

I was left on the floor as tears dripped down my face. Without thinking I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote I letter it stated:

I'm running away as I know I caused a lot of trouble and don't want to be here to witness it all and it's probably better if I leave who would want a monster as their friend


~Narrators POV~
A tear rolled down Americans eyes as he left the note on his bed, grabbed a hoodie and left. America's didn't now wherever he was going to go but he knew that everyone would be better if he left and so America left without saying goodbye to his family and his boyfriend Russia.

Wow alot happened ok so yes now we have get into the main story of what I had in mind. K 766 worda
K baiii


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