Chapter 21:Questions

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~Russia's POV~
I was sitting down when I suddenly heard a crack behind me. It sounded like a stick that got stepped on. It couldn't have been a squirrel or rat as I don't think they would be be able to crack a stick by stepping on it. I got up and picked up a large stick in case I needed to defend myself. As I got closer a person got up from behind a Bush and started to run. I quickly followed them as I wanted to know why they where watching me. I couldn't see the person that well as it was dark out but I could make out ears, tail and horns. Was this person infected? It couldn't have been any of my friend's as they don't look like that. Japan's tail is a cat tail not a wolf tail. After a bit of running I lost track of them. So I decided to go back to the cabin.

~time skip~
When i got home I sat down at the table where everyone was eating. "here Russia" SK said as he handed me a plate full of food. "Thanks" I replied with. After everyone was finished eating I told them what I saw. "I wasn't going to say anything but I saw a black figure one or twice when we where we on the the walk too" Canada said after I fished explaining everything. "That's weird. We should be careful just in case they are dangerous" Japan said to everyone."yeah I agree with Japan" Germany said nodding.
We all headed into the sitting room to watch a move before we headed to bed. We watched a horror movie, although I can't remember what it was called Canada, Poland and Japan thought it was scary. About an hour into them movie I felt my eyes grow heavy, until I finally fell asleep.

~America's POV~
I woke up early, the sun was coming up and light shined through my window and hit my eyes. I got up and into a pair shorts that came down to my knees and I also put on a white hoodie and rolled the sleeves up. I walked downstairs to see EU left a note.

Gone out
I'll be back later tonight
Food in fridge
Don't get into trouble

I read the note then put my shoes on and went out for a walk since there was nothing to really do. I decided I wanted to see where Russia was staying as I knew he didn't leave near here since our town was about 3 hours away. Unless he moved which was probably unlikely. I only wanted to see him it's not like I wanted to talk to him anyway. After about half an hour of walking I see a log cabin. I decided to go up to one of the windows and look in to see if this is where Russia was staying. I slowly walked up to the window and looked inside making sure I can't be seen. Inside it seemed to be the kitchen. I could see Germany,Poland, Japan and SK inside. They Seemed to be eating breakfast. I couldn't see Russia or Canada inside so maybe they where still in bed. I let out a sigh and got up to get back. I pulled my hood over my head as it was snowing and continued walking. When I got home I sighed and went to the kitchen and made a sandwich to eat. I wish I wasn't like this. Its all my faulty anyway.I went into the sitting room after eating and sat on the couch in front of the fire. It's was warm and nice as I sat on the couch I slowly drifted to sleep.

When I woke up the sun was setting outside an the fire was almost all out. I decided to let it burn out as EU will make another one when he gets back. I walked outside and seen some people across a lake. I knew who they where and I wanted to get a closer look. I didn't want to take the long way across the river so I carefully walked across it on the ice that covered it. I almost made it until the ice cracked beneath my feet and I fell in. I gasped for air and tried to make my way up but the ice blocked my way out. I slowly started to lose consciousness and then everything went black.

~Russia's POV~
We where all outside and everyone was having a snowball fight. I didn't really want to join in so I sat from afar and watched them play. I was in deep thought when I hear a splash from behind me. I looked back to see that the river frozen over with ice had cracked. I ran over to make sure no one fell in. When I got to it I seen a person at the bottom of the river. I took of my coat and my ushanka so they won't get wet and then I got into the river. It was freezing cold and I seen a person not to far away from me. I get closer to them and pull them up from the water. Once I have them out I did CPR on them until they started coughing water. I looked at him, he seemed to be unconscious. I stared at this person "America" I said to myself as I stare at him. It was America but his face........what happened to him. I bring the unconscious American in for a hug as tears welled down my face. Oh shit he must be freezing. I put my coat over America and I lift him up as I bring him into the cabin. I don't think the others seen me leave as they where to busy. I waked into the cabin and placed America in front of the fire. I took of he's shoes and socks and placed them in front of the fire as well. I looked at America who I had layed him down on the couch, he was shivering he must of been freezing. I left America downstairs while I went upstairs to get changed. I put my ushanka on my head and I put on a jumper and some jeans. I headed back downstairs and sat on a different couch that was beside the American. All I could say think about was America, he was alive but what happened to him he's arms and legs where black and little under half he's face as well. I checked my phone to see Ukraine had texted me.

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