Chapter 11:Leaving

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America's POV
I had just woken up from a nap and I heard shouting coming from outside the room I was in. Confused I tried to listen but I couldn't hear what they where saying all that well. I did recognise one of the voices though. It sounded like UK?

Know I was really confused. About 20 muintes had passed by when a doctor entered the room. I could see when he opened the door my family and Russia all looking upset so I began to worry. "America we have some difficult news for you" one of the doctors said to me.

"w.. What is it" I said trying to stay calm. "we have noticed a serious infection that you seem to have. So we'll will be bringing you to a.... Different type of of hospital so they can look more into your disease. Although due to this we won't allow you to see your family as the disease could spread. "the doctor said in a mediocre tone. I felt tears run down my eyes. I won't be able to see my family to see Russia." h-how l-long will I.. I be there for" I said trying not to stutter. "unfortunately we do not know" the doctor replied. "Can I atleast see my family before I go" in said as I started to get pissed off while tears ran down my face. "I'm sorry America but we cannnot allow that.You'll be leaving shortly" the door said as he left the the room. Their initial was alone in the room with my thoughts.

As I sit up in the hospital bed, tears still running down. I couldn't believe it how could I be so stupid I let my secret out. Does Russia know what would he think. Does Russia think I'm a monster. I slowly got out of the bed and put on a spare pair of clothes I had beside the bedside, it was my black nato t-shirt with some navy jeans.

"America" a unfamiliar voice came as a tall man wearing camo came in. "huh" I let out as I looked up at the tall man. He kinda frightened me a bit. "in Hereford to take you" he said. I let out a small "oh ok" as I got up and put on some brown boots then I followed the tall man. I walked outside beside him the tall man I could hear my family crying as I walked outside the hospital. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

As I arrived at the large building. I seen a large sign outside of the it read "Lab Top secret. Do not enter"
I was starting to think this a hospital. I enter the building and straight away I was told to go to room 537 on the the 6th floor.

The same tall man led me to the room. When we were got to it I was told to enter the room. I went it as there was nothing I could do. The room had white walls with a toilet, sink and one bed with a pillow and blanket I sat on the bed. The man then locked the door and I was alone once again. Just me and my thoughts.

Okai I know it a small chapter but I've big idea's for this book so it's just waiting until the excitement comes.
UwU hope you liked this chapter anyway sorry it took me awhile but I didn't what to do and also school. 593 words okai baiiii


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