Chapter 7:Party Nights

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America's POV
It was a long day, Russia and I set up Poland and Germany. I'm pretty sure that there together now. Just as I thought that I got a text from Germany.

Germany: Damn America I've got to thank you

America: let me guess you and Poland are together again

Germany:Is it obvious

America:No its more predictable, anyway thank Russia it was his idea I just helped him

Germany: well anyway me and Poland are going to the party together tomorrow.

America:that's great

Germany:So America who are you going with

America: No one...

Germany:your going with Russia aren't you

America:how did you know

Germany:its predictable

ugh know Germany is going to tease me. I should get some sleep the party is tomorrow and I don't want to be tried. I wonder what Russia is going to where. He hasn't told me yet,well I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I can't wait to see him tomorrow though, I bet whatever he is dressing up as will be cute. I stared to blushed thinking about Russia. I grab my phone and check the time. 1am already, I need to sleep and stop thinking about Russia.

The next day

"AMERICA" I hear my name being called as I wake up. "AMERICA" Canada shouted as he ran into my room. "fuck Canada why do you've to be so loud" I say getting up. "oh sorry America I wasted just excited about the party today" Canada said in a sincere tone. "Canada the party isn't until 9pm tonight" I say pissed off that Canada woke me up.
"I know but I don't have a costume and I need your help" Canada pleaded. "okay get out so I can get dressed then we can go to town and get you a costume" I say walking to my closest. "okay that's Bro" Canada said walking out of the room. I put a on my NATO t-shirt and some navy jeans along with some red sneakers
"Right let's go" I say as I put my Sunglasses on.
"Okie" Canada said giving me a soft smile.

"So what are you looking to be" I say curious. "I don't know that's why I need your help" Canada replied.
"right well what's in your mind for ideas". I say getting frustrated.
"Oh maybe a murder" Canada said smiling with freaked me out.
"I think your too innocent for that" I replied. "aww come on America please" Canada said.
"Fiiiiiiiiine" I said giving in.

After shopping

"Right well I think we have everything for your costume, wana get lunch" I say as my stomach growled
"ohh I know this really nice cafe that opened up there pancakes are the best" Canada said grabbing my arm and running over to a small café across the street.

Canada and I sit down and wait for our food. Canada ordered pancakes with extra maple syrup and I ordered some fries (it's weird to call them fries since in Ireland we call them chips)
"America what are you dressing up as anyway" Canada said "ahh that's a secret you will never find out tonight" I replied with a smug look on my face.
"what so secretive about your costume, are you trying to impress Russia. Is it a maid costume yourself gonna where" Canada said laughing as I blushed
"s-shut up and its not a maid it's far from that" I replied embarrassed.
"foods here anyway so stop talking" I said as we got handed our food.

That night

As Canada waited in the sitting room for his date to come I went upstairs to get my costume on when Russia texted me

Russia: Hey I'll be there to get you I'm just getting my costume on

America: okay I'm also getting my costume on

I put my phone down and put on my costume. I did put much effort in my costume as I just bought a green alien hoodie that was glow in the dark and I was going to be a alien. After I got changed I went down stairs to see Canada's date Mexico.(pls don't @ me I ship them but if you don't like the ship just pretend it's somone else) Me and Mexico where never really on good terms. "ah hello America" Mexico said with a smile as he was dressed up as a taco. "hey nice costume" and said as I laughed inside and headed outside to wait for Russia.
Ten minutes pasted when I seen a figure come towards me. I felt my wholesale face go red as I seen Russia costume. He was a werewolve but he but wolf ears on top of his ushanka (is that how you say it??). "Hey ame" Russia said. "oh hi Ruski" I replied trying not to blush so hard.
"nice costume" Russia said talking a sip of the vodka he had in his hand.
"ah this was no effort your costume has lots of effort" I said giving a fake laugh. "eh go big or go home" was Russia response.

At the party

As Russia and I entered the party which was held in the school, we seen Poland and Germany. "hey guys" Poland said walking up to us. Poland was a angel while Germany was a devil. "ah you too are doing a duo costume" I said. "yeah why not" Germany replied afternoon he did he pulled Poland on the dance floor and they started to dance.
Russia headed over to where Ireland was challenging people's too a chugging competition (is that wut its called) and challenged Ireland. They both filled a large point glass with beer and on the count of three they started chugging,After it was over Russia won and Ireland gave Russia a high five since they noted many people can beat the Ireland.

Russia and I dance on the the dance floor until I felt the urge to vomit I ran to the bathroom and ran into one of the stalls. No one was in the bathrooms at this time so I didn't lock the stalls. I started to vomit in the toilet as I see I was vomiting the black liquid. I slowly feels myself starting to lose Consciousness and then I fell off my head hit the the floor as I pass out.

Russia's POV

America ran off the dance floor and into the bathroom so I waited about ten minutes before I decided to head in to see what was talking America so long. I open the bathroom door and my heart sunk when I saw America passed out on the floor with a small puddle of back liquid beside him. In quickly got America up clean up and the puddle and ran to my house with Russia. I layed America on my bed and waited for for him to wake up. God I hope he is alright I felt a small tear fall down my face as I stared at the unconscious American. I sat there for what seemed like hour's until America finally woke up. "America" I yelled hugging him when he woke up.

America's POV

"w-what happed" I said as I stared around the room.
"I found you passed out on the floor in the bathroom" Russia replied with a worried look.
"there was a puddle of black liquid beside you when you where pasted out" Russia said.
Fuck how could I be so careless. Know he's going to ask questions.
"it's just something that happens I don't want to talk about it" I replied. "fine" Russia mubbled."t..thanks by they way" I said staring into Russia's eyes."it was no problem" Russia replied staring at me. We both started at each other... Until we got closed and then we kissed each. (ah this is cringing to write) it felt wonderful when it ended we both looked at each other until.....


And I'm going to end it on a cliffhanger I bet you all are wondering what going on well yus will find out in the next chapter. This one was long enough it was 1386 words which damn took me awhile. Anyway hope ya enjoyed (BTW I can't remember but in my last chapter I might have put space instead of soda but ah well)

 Anyway hope ya enjoyed (BTW I can't remember but in my last chapter I might have put space instead of soda but ah well)

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Also thanks so much for 200 plus reads it means so much to me that people enjoy reading this


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