Chapter 10:Hospital

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Russia's pov

Three mouths have pasted by and America still isn't awake. I always vist him even though he still isn't awake, I have brought him so many flowers and gifts, other than that I've kept myself isolated from everyone else I feel so helpless, I wish I could help America he doesn't deserve this, I wish I could have been there to stop it happen. I was deep in my thoughts when I slowly drifted to sleepy the half empty bottle of vodka still in my hands.

I wake to a bunch of messages on my phone. "What the" I said confused
Who the hell is texting me, no one ever texts me. I open the messages... They where from Canada he said America was awake. I ran out of the room and got my shoe's as I fell asleep in my clothes last night I didn't need to change as soon as I fished putting my shoes on I ran to the the hospital. God I can't wait to see America, I've been missed him so much. When I arrived at the hospital I ask the lady at the reception what America's room number is.
"ah yes America is he's room number 38 go on and vist him" the lady said in a friendly tone. "thanks" I said as I rushed off. It's been so long, I can't wait to see America and he's smile. As I I stand outside the door I feel myself get nervous God why am I so nervous maybe it's because I haven't seen him in so long.

I slowly open the door and seen America sitting up in he's bed......
"ame" I say as tears started spilling down from my eyes. I run up to America and hug him. "America I'm so glad your awake I.. I'm soo sorry I couldn't of been there to help you you it's all my fault" I ask as tears fell from my face. "aww ruski it's not your fault its nobody's fault, not even the driver if anything it was my fault, I was the carless one" America said which made me blush at the nickname he gave me. "A.. America I've something I'd like to ask you" I said stubbing on my words. "What is it Rus" America said as he tilted he's head. "Will you be my boyfriend" I said almost yelling. "Oh Ruski yes yes a million times yes" America said sounding like it was the happiest day of his life.

America and I talked for what seemed like hours until visting hours where over. I went home feeling great knowing that America was OK, he will be out soon and we where together.

Time skip~a week later
Narrators POV

Today was the day America would be able to get out of hospital. As Russia entered the hospital he heard shouts that seemed to sound like UK. When Russia got closer he seen France, aussie, kiwi and Canada all upset will UK was shouting at a doctor. "I DO NOT WANT MY SON TO BE TESTED ON HE IS NOT A LAB RAT" UK shouted out. "sir please calm down the other patiences are trying to sleep." what's going on" Russia asked Canada. "well its America he has this umm disease in guess you can call it and the doctors want to look in more on it and take America so they can do some tests on him" Canada said frowning. "what's so bad with that" Russia asked confused. "it's that we won't be allowed to see him and we don't know how long he'll be gone for" Canada said now crying.

Russia couldn't believe it. It felt like he's whole world shattered.

Okay hope you enjoyed I know it was short but hey. 600 plus words.
I'll see ya in the next chapter baiiii


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