When she finished she dressed in a pair of gray cotton shorts and a purple tank top. After towel drying her hair she left the bathroom. She put the towel in the hamper Ricardo had shown her before going downstairs. Ricardo sat at the island in a pair of silk pants and was shirtless. Zack wore basket ball shorts and a muscle shirt. She sat on the barstool next to Ricardo, feeling relaxed. "How do you feel," Ricardo asked her. "I feel better," she told him.

Zack finished cooking and they all moved to the dinning table. She asked them questions about their trip while they ate. Afterwards they took her upstairs, not bothering with the dishes. Jet lag was starting to set in for them so sleep sounded like a good idea. She laid between them, falling asleep almost instantly, her face tucked into Ricardo as Zack spooned her from behind. They both prayed she didn't get called in tomorrow. She needed to rest.

The next morning Rosalina woke up feeling well rested. She sat up and saw she was the last one in bed. She looked at the time on the nightstand and saw it was one thirty in the afternoon. She went to the bathroom before going downstairs. She found Ricardo sitting at the kitchen island on his laptop. He smiled when he saw her. "How do you feel," he asked her. "I feel better than I have felt all week," she told him honestly. "Do you work tomorrow," he asked her. "I have to be at the lingerie store tomorrow at noon then at the restaurant at six," she told him. "You shouldn't work so much Kitten," he told her. "I don't have much of a choice," she told him. "I don't have anyone to lean on when things become tough like you and Zack do. I appreciate you both looking out for me, but honestly, I can't get used to it." "And why is that," Ricardo asked her. "Because you're not my doms," she replied easily. "Zack is your responsibility. I belong to no one, so I have to look after myself." "How long has it been since you last had a dom," he asked her.

She bit her lip, not knowing if she should reply. "Kitten," he questioned. He wasn't going to push it if she didn't want to tell him, but he couldn't just take silence as an answer. She sighed in defeat, "I had one for a few months shortly after I left rehab. When they learned of my shitty past, they abandoned me. Not wanting to give me that chance to show that I'm not that same person anymore." She sighed, "That was three years ago. And yes, I've stayed clean. Not once have I relapsed."

She didn't look at him as she spoke, just kept looking at the counter, yet she could feel him staring holes into the side of her head. "I know the struggles of having to deal with the judgement from others who think you're going to revert back to old habits. I was once an alcoholic," Ricardo confessed to her. "I didn't stop drinking and pull myself together until I nearly died of alcohol poisoning. Vance had to yell some sense into me, but I was thankful he didn't just leave me as hopeless. I wont run because of your past Rosalina. After all that's in the past. It's how you move forward is what I care about."

She nodded slowly, "One of my moves forward was moving to this city. I wanted away from my hometown, wanting to cut all ties to that past." He nodded in understanding, "We're not going anywhere Kitten. You're not alone." We all have pasts, and it's clear she is making an effort to be better. That Dom, wasn't fit for their title if they were unable to see that.

She gave him a soft smile, but she didn't believe him. She trusts him and Zack with her body, but to not abandon her? That was going to take a miracle for her to believe.

After something to eat she went and relaxed in the living room. She flipped through the shows on Hulu and settled on watching Bones. She was listening to Dr. Brennan and Angela talking about reconstructing a woman's skull on the screen to try and ID the victim when Zack came in. He gave her a bright smile, and she could tell Ricardo told him about their conversation earlier. She didn't mind, knowing it would've happened when she told him. "How has your day of relaxation been," Zack asked her curiously as he sat on the couch.

She paused the show, "Very nice. How was your day?" "Very long. I had to do a tattoo cover up for a lady who made a horrible mistake in college by getting some tattoo done by a guy at a party. It was supposed to be Snoopy but it looked like some kid just drew a dog on her arm, and called it Snoopy. Thankfully it was easy to cover up, nothing majorly dark with it, but she kept moving, almost making me mess up a few times," He shared with her. "It took me almost four hours to simply draw what she wanted to begin with. After she left I put her on my do not tattoo list." He then poked her thigh playfully, "But you I would tattoo anytime." "Thanks, but I'm not a fan of needles," She told him. He chuckled, "I have tattooed many who hate needles, yet they keep coming back for more. Depending some places you get the tattoo it doesn't even hurt. I can honestly say they're addictive. I want to get a whole back piece, but Master Ricardo says he has to approve it first. So far he hasn't liked anything I've thought of. Then again, most of them were gonna be heavy in black ink and he prefers seeing me with colored ink."

"What do you specialize in," She asked him curiously. His dragon tattoo was a nice black gray style. "Realistic black and white tattoos are my favorite to do," he replied happily. "However anything that is brought to me, whether its hand drawn or something printed off of a computer I can do it." She had to admit, that was pretty impressive.

Shortly after that she then unpaused the show and they sat there for a little bit before he broke the silence. "Master Ricardo and I kept thinking about you the entire time we were gone," he told her. She felt her cheeks heat up slightly.

"Both about how we were concerned about the amount you were working, and about that night we played in the playroom," Zack told her, causing her blush to deepen. "We understand your need to push yourself, and we wont stop you. However," he then pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. "We would like to be there for you."

She eyed the paper, then she eyed him. She took it and opened it up. It was a BDSM contract. It was a simple lay out with rules, roles, and other important details. "We'll start off slow and casual," Zack told her. "We won't make you move in, and we won't make you quit any of your of your jobs." Ricardo then came in with a tray of snacks and such since he was finally done working and wanted to join in on the discussion, "However, on your days off, you will spend that time with us. We understand you'll have things like laundry and grocery shopping that will need to get done, but one of us will be there with you so you don't have to do it yourself. We will have rules regarding your health and hygiene that will be the most crucial thing for you to follow, since you stress yourself so much. Failure to follow those rules will result in punishment. If you are a good girl and follow the rules you will be rewarded."

She didn't know what to say. She hasn't known them long, but she had to admit that she did feel a connection with them that she did want to see where it lead. "Of course there will be rules for when it is just the two of you," Master Ricardo said while gesturing a finger between her and Zack. "Pup has never been able to keep his hands to himself and since you're such a tempting treat, I know he won't be able to resist. Although he is your Dominant, he can't make you cum without my permission, just like you can't make him cum without my permission. You are more than allowed to touch each other all you want, and I will consider it as you edging yourselves, just no sex." 

Their smirks made Rosalina clench her thighs together. After that they went over several more things that would fit their relationship. She was hesitant yet excited to sign the contract. Afterwards she sat curled up on the couch with both of them. She decided she would just leave early in the morning to go back to her apartment to get ready for work since she didn't bring anything to for work at the store, only her uniform in case the restaurant needed her.

At ten Ricardo thought it best for them to all go to bed since they all had work in the morning. He watched as Zack and Rosalina flirted as they made their way up the stairs. Their laughter made him smile softly before he joined them. He just prayed she didn't regret her decision, because he too wanted to see where it would go.

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