Detective Jimin

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Jimin's POV

It seemed as if Y/N was distracted all the time. In class she would stare off into space, when we were talking she'd zone out, and she was increasingly clumsy. However, when I asked her if she was alright, she'd simply smile and carry on.

Needless to say, I was worried.

My mind kept drifting to that sticky note. What was really on it? It wasn't unlikely that she was still getting hate. Guilt washed over me once again. This was my fault. Hyun Gi didn't like me, and she was getting hurt by association, Jungkook too.

Ugh, I thought. I'm ready for this nightmare to be over.

That's when it hit me.

A brilliant, albeit delusional plan.

And it was only a little illegal.


Your POV

"You want to WHAT??" I whisper exclaimed as Jimin explained his plan to me in the back of the library.

"Like I said, it's only illegal if we get caught-"

"No! It's illegal all the time!" I retorted. "Pretty sure it's called breaking and entering."

"But its Hyun Gi. It hardly counts," Jimin shot back.

"That's exactly it. It's Hyung Gi, which means thrice the punishment if we get caught."

Jimin pursed his lips, then pulled his ultimate move. Slightly sticking out his bottom lip, he pouted. His sad eyes looked imploringly into mine, as he gently grabbed my hands.

"Please? It would make me really really happy..." he asked again.

"No! ...No." I denied. However I made a grave mistake, and looked into his eyes again. "...uuuuuugggghhhhhh Fine."

He ceased his cutesy pouting immediately. "Great! You can stay in the get away car if you want."

6:00 pm

Soccer season had started, so Hyun Gi was guaranteed to be gone for at least another hour and a half, and his parents wouldn't be home until 8 o clock at least. We would be clear to execute our big plan... the biggest heist of the season.

"All we need is something incriminating on Hyun Gi, which shouldn't be too hard right?" Jimin said confidently. I shrugged. Whatever, as long as we got out without getting caught.

"The spare key should be around here somewhere..." Jimin muttered, feeling under the welcome mat. When we couldn't find it there, we checked the flower pot. "Seriously? Not in any of the cliche places..."

I glanced over the house, and to my luck I found the solution. "Well... looks like someone was a little forgetful."

A window was ever so slightly cracked, letting us gain easy access to the living room. We tiptoed up the stairs, and into Hyun Gi's room. Oh boy, this was soooo illegal...

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