Refer to Lesson 2.5

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Jimin's POV

"If you're that angry, how about you meet me on the roof after school today? Coward," he whispered in my ear. I didn't react, afraid I'd give away my thoughts. I knew I didn't stand a chance against this guy, but something in me knew that that wouldn't stop me.


"So you showed up, huh?" Hyun Gi's annoying voice called out.

"Like I'd miss the chance to go at you?" I replied. He lowered his face to mine.

"Then try me."

I'd never fought anyone before, but some primal instinct deep inside me kicked in and I punched him square in the face. He stumbled back a bit, startled that I'd actually done it. I resisted the urge to hold my hand, this guy was hard headed in two ways. Before I could recover, Hyun Gi kicked me full force in the chest, and I fell flat on my back, the wind knocked out of my lungs. I began to get up, but he pushed me down again, foot crushing my chest into the ground.

"You done yet?" he taunted. He laughed as I struggled to catch my breath and move his foot. I brought my leg up, kicking him where I know he'd rather not be kicked. Hyun Gi kneeled over, giving me time to sit myself up.

"I can do this all day," I wheezed. Not too dignified, but I still quoted Captain America which makes it cool. Hyun Gi, enraged that I'd landed another hit on him, charged me, nearly throwing me over his shoulder. He pinned me down, his full weight on his knee digging into my stomach. Try as I might I couldn't block the painful blows he dealt. I tasted blood.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, he stopped. Hyun Gi spat near my face. "I mean it, you'll regret ever being born. No one will even want to look at you when I'm done."

I couldn't move, it felt like my head was full of cotton. The sky was very blurry today, huh... was it night time already...

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