A Date

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I was nervous. Jimin had helped me with my outfit... but it was kind of hot. Not in the attractive way, it's just every inch of my skin was covered. I was wearing a high necked shirt with an oversized cardigan and jeans.

"Are you sure about this? It's gonna be a little warmer tomorrow..." I whispered into the phone, careful not to let my mom here us talking.

"Trust me, it's for the best," he confirmed. I decided to trust his judgement.

Hyun Gi picked me up when he said he would. My mother was hesitant to let me go, but she was familiar with his parents from work. Apparently Hyun Gi's parents owned the law firm my mother worked at.

"Your parents are lawyers?" I asked when we were in his car.

"Yeah, they make quite a bit. As you know the firm is very successful. We're actually in the same neighborhood as Jimin's family," he explained. He mentioned it as if he was waiting for a reaction (A/N: which Y/N is oblivious to... just in case you missed it he was tryna get her attention with impressive stuff.)

"Oh... cool..." I replied.

Most of the ride was silent except for the occasional passing remark. About half way to the mall I heard a song I loved.

"Oh my gosh! Can I turn it up?" I asked excitedly. Hyun Gi laughed and nodded.


I hardly noticed Hyun Gi's bemused look as he watched me sing along to the Day6 song. Sadly another song I loved was coming on as we arrived.

"We can wait until it's over if you want," Hyun Gi offered. I declined. It would be rude to ask him to wait.

We arrived first to a cute cafe I'd never noticed before tucked away in the side of the mall not many popular stores were.

"Wow, this is really good... and I don't even like coffee," I said. Hyun Gi's eyes shot up from his drink.

"You don't like coffee? Crap I should've picked something else. Jimin said you liked coffee..."

"Hm, weird. I told him I wasn't a fan last time we went out."

"Yeah... weird..." Hyun Gi seemed lost in thought.

When we finished he took me to see a movie, The Revengers: Forever Battle. I was totally enraptured in the movie, crying when Arachnid-Boy died in Steelman's arms. Hyun Gi took my hand during this scene. I blushed and tensed. No one other than my parents and Jimin had ever held my hand before. This is a normal thing. Best dang student. Jimin will be proud that you handled this calmly...

After the movie we browsed through the stores. I wasn't so much into clothes shopping without Jimin, so we decided to go to a music store at Hyun Gi's suggestion.

The walls were lined with artists, Korean and foreign. I excitedly flipped through the old records, finding names like the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, and Frank Sinatra.

"I wish I had a record player," I said, holding up a Frank Sinatra record. Taking it from me Hyun Gi said,

"I have one. You can come over sometime and listen to it with me."

"Really? That'd be great!" I exclaimed. Realizing I was being loud, I blushed and shut up.

"What else do you listen to?" He questioned. I gave a half smile.

"You just opened a can of worms."

List of artists I like (A/N: and yes these are my favs so you needa check them out)
-Sam King
-The Rose
-etc etc

"Wow... that's a wide range of artists. You like boy groups?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's a chiller sound. I like KARD tho."

When we went to check out I was shocked when Hyun Gi laid a Day6 album, TWICE album and the Frank Sinatra record on the counter.

"I can't..." I began. He then proceeded to pay for all of it, and handed me the bag. "That was 101,544 won..."

"And? You just have to promise to bring over the record and listen sometime, okay?" He replied.

In the car we listened to my new albums. I knew all of the songs, as did Hyun Gi. I couldn't help thinking Jimin's voice was much better...

I was home as the clock hit 4.

"Today was fun..." he began as he led me to my front door.

"Yeah..." I said, tucking some stray hair behind my ear. He shifted a bit on his feet. Then breaking the silence he said,

"So about the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing-"


He looked startled at my sudden response. I was startled too if I'm being honest.

"Really?" He sounded like he couldn't believe it. "That's great! Um... well... uh... yeah..."

Awkward silence. We both made eye contact at the same time, causing us to burst out in laughter. Suddenly he wrapped me in a hug. He smelled different from Jimin. His cologne was stronger and more intense. He was also taller and had to lean a bit to hug me around the shoulders. Pulling away I could see the excitement in his eyes.

"Well, I'll text you later. And, I'll see you at school..." he smirked like a little boy. "...girlfriend," he added. Then he hopped into his car and was gone. I stood on my porch, dumbfounded.

I had my first ever boyfriend.


A/N: Well well well well well. That escalated quickly. 😂

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