Lesson Four

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Jimin's POV

I saw Y/N in the hall, but she kept slipping away before I could talk to her. When I got home I waited by my phone to see if she would text me, but she never did. Finally, not able to wait for her to text me first, I picked up my phone and typed:


I'm sorry about today

It won't affect your grade, I promise 😊




I was worried. Why wasn't she texting back? Was she really that mad at me?

I'm sorry Y/N, really I am. Won't you text me back??

Apparently that was a no. She wouldn't...


I woke up the next morning exhausted from staying up all night waiting for Y/N to text me back. Hopefully this would all blow over; besides, she HAD to talk to me for our duet assignment. Dragging myself out of bed I remembered that no one was home. Mom and dad were away on business trips and Ji Hyun was staying with a friend. An idea planted it's self in my brain... no one would know if I just skipped school... NONONO I couldn't do that. I needed to go to school, and see Y/N. Ok I mostly just needed to see Y/N.

Forcing myself to move, I got ready. As I looked in the mirror I noticed how dead I looked. It was pretty obvious I'd had no sleep, and the sleep I did have was restless. Who knew someone could get me this messed up? Y/N was special, she wasn't like other girls (A/N: kekekekeke)

As I got out of my car at school, I was greeted with a punch in the face... figuratively of course. Hyun Gi had his arm around Y/N's waist, pulling her close. My heart dropped. Was I ever going to get past this feeling? Or would my heart hurt every time I saw them together?

I was tempted to get back in my car and go home, but my friend Taehyung noticed me and linked arms with me.

"God morning," he said in English. I pushed him away.

"It's good morning," I corrected.

"Ah, yes, goooood morning," he repeated sarcastically. I smiled weakly. "What's Wrong with you today?"

I shrugged. "Sleepy."

Taehyung laughed. "Only kinky people use sleepy."

"Hey!" I punched him on the arm as he laughed his head off, flashing his boxy smile.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry (not). But for real, what's bothering you?" Taehyung asked, looking at his friend with sincerity. Jimin sighed.

"I'm having some... friend issues," I said. My friend smirked.

"Friend issues, or girlfri-"

I cut him off again with another shoulder punch.

"Let's just get to class," I said pushing him to go faster.

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