Big Trouble

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Taking in my surroundings I knew I was in trouble. Jimin and I were curled up on the couch, his arms around me and my head against his chest. This wasn't looking too good. Why?! Why had we fallen asleep?!

I could hear my mom with grocery bags, so I had time to devise a plan. I gently poked Jimin.

"Hmmm?" he hummed sleepily, eyes still closed.

"Shhh... my mom is home."

His eyes shot open. After assessing the situation we were in he seemed to realize that, indeed, we were in a predicament.

"I'll go distract her. You sneak upstairs to my room," I whispered. He nodded.

Walking into the kitchen I put on my best acting skills. "H-hey mom," I greeted her awkwardly. Pausing her grocery-putting-away my mom wrapped me in a hug and pecked me on the cheek.

"Sorry I got home so late, Grandma wouldn't let me go... why is your shirt damp?" She asked, furrowing her brow. Crud.

"Well, um, I... was drinking a glass of water and spilled a little on myself," I lied.

"And you didn't just change your shirt?"

"Nope, you know me, a lazy teenager," I laughed stiffly. She seemed suspicious of me, but didn't pry any further.

"Okay then..."


Closing the door to my room, I let out a deep sigh. "That was close," I whispered. I looked around... where was Jimin?


I screamed. Jimin covered my mouth. "Aigoo, You're much more jumpy that I thought!"

"Honey? Are you ok?" My mom called down the hallway. Moving Jimin's hand I replied,

"Uh yeah! Just- just a spider!" I answered, stomping my foot on the ground. "Got it!"

Jimin laughed softly. "You're becoming a natural liar."

"Jimin! I am not," I countered. His arms wrapped around my waist.

"You're kinda cute when you pout," he teased. I stood rigid as he kissed my neck.

"Heck you."

"Are you uncomfortable?" Jimin asked. I was surprised, he was genuinely asking, it wasn't sarcasm.

"Uh... no it's just... well I'm not used to..." I stammered. He pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I know you're not used to this and I should've asked first," he apologized.

"I'm usually not one for contact but I don't know... it's different with you. I like it, but like... I'm definitely not sure how to react," I attempted to explain.

"Well I think it's best we hold off on contact until you decide what you want, ok?"

Well dang. He almost had me crying again. I held out my arms.

"Aw, are you saying you want a hug?" said Jimin. I nodded sheepishly.

"I like hugs... especially from you," I said. He smiled, and obliged.

"It's my honor to be your hug giver," he whispered.

"Wait, it's almost eleven, your mom..." I realized. Jimin hugged me tighter.

"I'll worry about that when the time comes-"

We were interrupted by footsteps approaching my door. Without hesitation, I shoved Jimin in my closet, and had just finished closing the door when my mom walked in.

"Did you need anything to eat? I know it's late, and I'm sorry. But you at least ate, right?" my mom asked, obvious concern on her face.

"Yeah, yeah I ate ramen," I lied. Ok maybe I was getting too used to this lying. My mom let out a long sigh.

"I know the late night stuff hasn't been easy on you, and it seems like it's every night, and me working two jobs is pretty inconvenient... but I appreciate you toughing it out. And... I'm also sorry about the Jimin thing, I know you don't do that stuff... and Jimin's a good kid. So, as of now, the Jimin ban is lifted." She turned to close the door, but paused before adding, "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too, mom."

When the door shut I let out the breath I'd been holding in. Of course mom whips out the sappy stuff today of all days... and Jimin just heard all of that... wow.

I opened the closet. "She's gone no- woah!"

Jimin's hand pulled me down beside him.

"What was that?" I asked, wincing as I'd landed on a stray LEGO.

"Look, out your window," he said softly. I followed his gaze.

"All I see are the stars and a streetlight," I observed.

"Ya, don't you know that your window has a great view of the night sky?"

I looked again. I guess I'd never really noticed, but the stars looked extra beautiful that night. It seemed like we sat there for eternity, just staring at the sky. But it was still too soon that Jimin got up, pulling me to my feet.

"I guess I should be leaving," he said mournfully. He put on his most pitiful pout.

"Don't worry, the Jimin ban is abolished," I reminded him as he opened the window. "Which means you can, if you want, maybe you could, possibly, come over and practice for our project... tomorrow... if you want to..."

Again Jimin smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, showing off a set of perfect teeth. (A/N: Yes I know his teeth were crooked but they were perfect)

"I'd love to come over." He was half way out the window when he added, "And would love to be your boyfriend."

I think I invented a new kind of red.

"Alskfjfjdklszlfkds" (and yes, I did sound like that).

Jimin looked confused. "Was that a yes?"

I nodded my head so fast I might have dislocated something in the process.

"Great," he said, his smile broadening. "Just promise me you'll change your lock screen to me!"

Then his head disappeared out the window and his footsteps faded into the night.

Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night.

A/N: Yeah this wasn't as well written as I'd hoped but I thought it was sweet anyway. I'll have a voting chapter next... if anyone wants to vote. It's really trivial but it'll gimme an excuse to use all these Jimin pics I have...

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