A Reason Why

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"Gonna take me to the nurse or what?" Hyun Gi smirked at the ironic situation.

I gulped before facing him with my most confident face I could muster. "No. I have better things to do than help you."

I began to turn away but he grabbed my wrist. Scowling at him I said, "Let go."

"I need to talk to you," he explained, his puffed up arrogance faded now.

"I don't want to talk to you!" I tried pulling away again but his grip was strong.

"I want to clarify why I'm doing all of this."

I stopped struggling for a moment. "What?"


I dabbed a cotton swab soaked in peroxide on his minor scratch. His eyes followed my hand as it moved across his face.

"D-d-dont look at me," I demanded, though it came out as a whisper.


I hurried to finish the job so I could get away from Hyun Gi for a minute. I began filling a bag with ice for his bruised face.

"I don't like Jimin."

I hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the suddenness of his voice. "Why?"

"A lot of reasons. Namely, everything he does is annoying. He's always been one rank above me in school, making him #1, and me #2." Hyun Gi let out a mirthless laugh. "No matter how hard I worked, he was always there, taunting me from the #1 spot."

I was shaking, though I was pretty sure it was anger rather than anxiety this time. "That hardly constitutes ruining his life-"

"Calm down Y/N, there's more."

I shut my mouth. He had used my name. I hadn't heard him use my name since we broke it off.

He sighed. "His parents have always been wealthier. His parents are around. His family is happy and it's disgusting. Jimin Park is a golden boy. He has no flaws, that's what it appears like. I hate him, I hate him so much, and I hate those around him almost as much." At this point he looked up with a burning intensity in his eyes, and it made me take a step back. He was coming closer now. "You don't have to be a target. I can make it all end in an instant. The rumors... the notes in your locker... the whispers in the hallways about your criminal father..."

Hyun Gi stood before me, his shadow completely covering me. "I know you think it can't get worse..." He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "...but it can. I may not be the golden boy, but my parents can get me out of any trouble... I could get away with murder..."

I shot back from him, hitting the medicine cabinet.

"Afraid? Good." He flicked my forehead forcefully, leaving a stinging pain behind. "You should be afraid."

He began walking out. Before he left he gave me a small wave, and smile as if we had merely been discussing the weather. "Thanks for the ice."

A/N: 500 words exactly. Lit.

If I ask questions at the end of my chapters will y'all answer them?

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