Insults. A Lot Of Them.

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He was a weird kid, that one. I mean, not the scar, that was chill (or not), he was just really intense for a fifteen year old. Endeavor introduced me to his son because he hoped we would be classmates. No strings attached my ass, Endeavor wanted something but I wasn't gonna let him have it. "Todoroki Shoto." He bows in greeting.

"Pleasure. I'm Bakugo Kagome." I bow back, less zealously. A nauseating confidence to my lazy bow and way back up. It seemed to register in his head that I was in the same boat as him. "Your dad has me in on recommendation for U.A."

"Don't expect the same kindnesses from me as you do from him."

"So, I should expect kindness from you? No offense, but I only stick with your old man cuz it's a good business opportunity. He's a rotten excuse for a person," I say as I notice him climb on. "But you knew that, huh? What's your quirk? He mentioned you being powerful and my age but nothing else."

"Ice." He demonstrates his ability and puts it into my orange juice. "And fire, but I don't use my left side."

"Why not?"

"Ever thought about minding your own business, Bakugo?"

"Never crossed my mind, Todoroki." I smirk at him and he turns away. Endeavor glares at us both and moves to sit in his seat in the plane. "Your kid's cool." I say. "But he isn't as hot as I thought he'd be." I look at Todoroki beside his father and I swear Shoto's eyes widen just a little and he almost turns to look at me. Is that opening up, I see?

"Shoto, go sit with Bakugo in the cabin behind this one. I have business." Endeavor commands, rubbing his forehead because of my uncontainable attitude, and Shoto does what he's told.

When he closes the door to the cabin, I stretch. "Thank god, that was excruciating to breathe."

"That was really unnecessary," comments Shoto.

"But you thought it was funny, didn't you?"

"Listen, Bakugo. We are not friends. I don't need people like you distracting me from my goals. I will be the number one hero, and I refuse to let myself a millimeter off the path." Shoto sighs.

"Wow. Okay, that stick up your ass must really be in there." I get comfortable in my seat. "If not me, someone's going to get it out eventually."

"Don't you have people to talk to or something? Ah, I suppose not." Shoto looks me up and down, and his gaze ends up on my eyes. "I don't use my left side because...." daddy issues, I can tell. He points with his chin to the cabin door. "You aren't wrong. That man is rotten on levels that no villain would understand."

"Are you opening up to me," I scoff, but then it dawns on me. "You have trust issues, but you're at a limit and don't care who you're taking to."

"Perceptive. You'd make a good number two he-!"

"Sorry, I like the number one better." I interrupt him. "I didn't just drop out of one of the top sponsorships in the world to be number two."

"What's your quirk?" Shoto ignores me.

"It's like your left side. I don't use it. I refuse to hurt people with it..."

"You don't have to say more," Shoto nods at me. "I respect that."

"Thanks. But it's an explosion quirk. I haven't used my quirk since I was like, six or something." Sure, Shoto was one of the most intense people I'd ever met, especially for fifteen. That didn't matter when he understood me before I explained myself. This one was going to be a valuable asset to have in the future. "I know you said we aren't allies, but are you sure you want a stranger to know that there's a stick up your ass?"

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