Another Pokemon Story

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Leaf was easily one of the best Pokemon trainers to ever exist.  She left for the Unova region to become the champion there.  She defeated Team Plasma (or so she thought) and fell in love with King N.  Then N left to do god knows what.  But where did he go???  There have been whisperings and rumours that he traveled to Sinnoh to study the Pokemon there.  He met another girl, not liking anyone but Leaf, he finds her interesting though he still has the same feelings for Leaf as he did before he does not "like like" this girl.  But she doesn't know that.  She finds him quite attractive.  What the heck is gonna happen now.  OOOOooooooh.  Let's find out.


N flew out of his castle on the legendary Pokemon Zekrom.  He regretted his actions but knew he couldn't go back.  Not yet.  He didn't know what to do with his new freedom.  He could do anything he wanted at this point.

He has heard about this region known as Sinnoh.  He's been told that there are odd happenings that have been going on with the legendaries in that region. The infamous Team Galactic may be on the rise again.  Perhaps he should... check it out.


The Sinnoh League wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Cynthia was a bit hard, but only ever as hard as a Champion should be.

I've become the champion of two regions so far Johto, and the region I'm in now, Sinnoh.  I would like to become the champion of Kanto and Hoenn regions, maybe even the Unova region but I would like to battle Leaf when I do so.  

In the two regions I'm champion of so far, I share the title with Leaf since she left it up to the original champion to decide what to do with people.  I also did that, leaving them to decide.  I would really hate standing around all day waiting for people to come and battle me.

That makes me think of Red now.  Poor guy, up on Mount Silver waiting around all day, I feel sort of bad for him now.  He's my friend even if I've only met him once, I sometimes call to see how he's doing.

Same with Leaf, only I don't call her.  I've only ever met her once and that was when I was leaving for my trip in Johto, we both got our Pokemon at the same time, another friend of mine was present at the time as well, his name is Silver, and we randomly meet up a lot, still keeping in touch.  He was sort of a douche muffin at first but now he's cool.

I am currently flying from the League to my villa at the Resort Area, a small town on the Northeastern Island of Sinnoh.  Lugia is the Pokemon I am flying on there on.

When we land, I pat Lugia on the shoulder, thanking him, and return him back to my Pokeball.  Nobody is walking around my villa, to my surprise, but when I walk in, it's a different story.

There was a big sign on my wall that said "Congratulations, Venus!"  Everyone yelled that when I walked in.  They must be celebrating my victory of the Sinnoh League.  I don't think it's that big of a deal to throw a party and such.

I just sort of waved at all the random people, thanking them as I went by.

I don't even recognize anybody here.  It's all just a bunch of town people except- oh, yea, no, I see Lucas and Barry who were chatting with Silver and Gold in a corner.

I maneuver my way through the crowd, feeling pats on the back from strangers, people telling me "I'm so proud of you," and "good job!" I get through mumbling a series of 'thank yous' over and over again.

"Hey guys,"  I greet my four favorite people, my fifth is not here though.  I look around.  "Where's Blue?"

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