Chapter 30

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Taehyung's POV

I hate my life! Why is this happening again? I thought I was free of this psychopath years ago but I was wrong. The Devil does find work for idle hands.

I think I'm in his house. I was brought here a week ago after the accident. Truthfully, I haven't been physically harmed but I know this is the calm before the storm. Chin-Mae is no ordinary sunny day. He's the deepest and darkest form of a hurricane waiting to storm it's way into your life.

I tried to give my Jin some clues as to who has me but I think it didn't work. It's already been a week and not a peep from anyone. My phone was destroyed in the crash so I have no way of contacting them. Either way, Chin-Mae would have taken it away.

The sound of the door unlocking, interrupts my thoughts. In walks Savannah with a tray of food. This is another mystery I have yet to solve. I decide it's time I got some answers.

"Why are you doing this Savannah? How are you involved with that beast?"

She hasn't answered any of my questions up to now and I'm not expecting a response but I still try.
She has her gun pointed at me, like she always does.

"Stop asking me those same questions! I'm sick and tired of you already!"

"Then why don't you set me free. I'll be out of your hair!" I retort.

She rolls her eyes at me. "That psycho bastard will kill me! You have no idea what he's capable of."

"Savannah...what hold does he have on you? I thought we were close. Why do you want to see me hurt?"

I watch as her eyes falter. My plan is working. "Please Savannah, I promise, we can be close again. I'll tell the police you were a prisoner here too. Please help me."

She lowers the gun and sighs heavily.

"Just talk to me Savannah. Please. We can work this out. Why don't you start by telling me how you are involved with him? Did he hurt you?"

I walk closer to her, and try to hug her awkwardly, as she's still holding the gun. She looks defeated. I run circles on her back and she sighs deeply.

"Come. Let's sit here," I say, indicating the couch at the window seat.

She tucks the gun into her jeans and walks slowly to the couch.

"You have to understand, Taehyung, that I never wanted any of this. My life hasn't exactly been rosy," she sniffs, a tear escaping her eye. I just rub her back slowly. I can be sympathetic. I need an ally here.

She takes a deep breath and begins.

"My mom died of cancer when I was 10. Two years later, dad met with a car accident and passed away. I have a little brother, Jason. He means the world to me. We were put into the foster care system and eventually adopted by two loving people. I call them my parents. I suffered with anxiety and depression early on. I was forced to deal with tough situations many times. I met Kevin when we were in high school. You know we were high school sweethearts. What I didn't tell you was that we had twin boys, Joseph and Jeremiah. After Joseph passed away, I was too ill to take care of Jerry. My parents took on the responsibility while I got my act together. When I came to Korea, I met Chin-Mae. He was nice at first, but he knew what he was doing. He threatened to kill my family if I didn't cooperate with him."

The tears were coming full and fast now. I gave her a moment to calm down.

"The day I met Namjoon, wasn't a coincidence. Chin-Mae had your schedule some how. I was supposed to meet you but for some reason he went for the meeting and you didn't."

I remember that day. I had come down with a cold that morning and Namjoon had volunteered to go on my behalf.

"I was to create a distraction while Chin-Mae, abducted you. But, when he saw Namjoon exit the car, he held off his men. He watched as Namjoon became friendly with me and he changed his plans. He liked the way Namjoon was attracted to me and he thought of ways to use it to his advantage."

"When I realised I was being followed by you, he made another plan to abduct you in the alley. Those men were hired by him but they fucked up. He was seething when you got hurt. He made sure that I should get closer to you. Chin-Mae was delighted when I told him that I was to live in the dorm. Although his plans weren't going as he wished, he would still use the opportunity to his advantage."

"I was tired of everything by then. The pretense was killing me. When PD Sir wanted me to go to the States with you, I was secretly delighted. I thought I could get away from Chin-Mae's clutches. So I didn't tell him about the trip."

"But Kevin ruined everything. And, when Chin-Mae found out he was livid I'm sure. I didn't stick around to find out. I escaped with my family and went into hiding. But he found us after many years. It was too good to be true any way. Chin-Mae never gives up as I'm sure you know," she scoffed at me.

I knew all too well. I'm reeling at all this. But I let her continue. I need her on my side.

"He killed my foster parents and my brother in front of me. He placed my Jerry in a boarding school where he has his people keep constant watch over him. If I disobey him, they will kill him too. My Jerry is all I have left in this world. That's why I can't help you!" She says, standing up.

I reach out for her and stop her from leaving. I need her to help me or I'm doomed. She's my only hope now.

"Savannah please, I beg of you. You really want to resign me to a fate that's worse than death? I know you've been through so much. Things that you didn't deserve. No one deserves that. I promise you, if you help me I will help you too. I will make sure you suffer no jail time and your son will get protection. Please Savannah, help me," I cry and hold on to her.

I can feel her wavering. That's all I need. I need her to at least look at me as a human being, like her, one that has feelings and emotions. If she sees this, I have a chance. A chance is all I need.


Hey my swties. I'm sorry I havent updated in a while. I'm not in the best of health right now.

I promise to update again soon.

Thank you to all my loyal readers for your votes and comments. You really make me feel so special.

Also, The Shop Assistant has surpassed 900 reads in less than five days. I'm jungshook 😉

I purple you all 💜


Love Swty😘

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