Chapter 26

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Min Yoongi sat at the bar sipping his third drink. He was reflecting on his life choices when a guy sidled up to the seat next to him and winked at him suggestively. Yoongi was momentarily taken aback but he chugged his drink down and rested his hand on the man's knee.

"Do you want to buy me a drink," he asked the stranger, smiling up at him.

"Yeah, sure," the man said, slightly flustered at Yoongi's actions. He motioned for the bartender to refill Yoongi's drink. "So what's your name cutey," he asked Yoongi.


"That's a real sweet name, for a sweet thing like you. I'm Chin-Mae. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said.

"Already getting pleasured by me," Yoongi said seductively, winking at Chin-Mae.

"Well, aren't you a tease," he smiled and caressed Yoongi's cheek.

Just then, Yoongi's gaze shifted to the dance floor and he caught sight of Hobi grinding on some guy. His blood began to boil and he threw his drink down, almost wetting Chin-Mae's pants, who jerked his body back at Yoongi's sudden action.

"Hey! What the hell man?!" Chin-Mae was shocked at Yoongi's sudden outburst.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Yoongi glared at Chin-Mae, who moved away quickly.

Yoongi stalked to the dance floor angrily and whipped Hoseok away from the man. Hoseok squealed in shock, hanging onto Yoongi's arms to steady himself.

"What the fuck Yoongi!" He screamed. "How dare you? Get away from me!"

Yoongi tightened his grip on Hoseok, leaned in and kissed him roughly. Hoseok tried to push him away but he soon stopped fighting and gave in, kissing him back with equal voracity. After some time, Yoongi pulled away slowly, but continued to nip and peck at Hoseok's lips sensually.

A tear escaped Hoseok's eyes, and Yoongi placed a soft kiss on it.

"Are you ever going to forgive me, my love?" Yoongi asked him, his voice laced with sadness. "I know what I did was unforgivable but I've been getting help just so I could face you one day."

Hoseok hugged him tighter. The last four years seemed to melt away but he brought himself back to reality and gently pushed Yoongi away from him.

"Too much has happened Yoongi. I-I don't know if I can do it all over again," he said sadly, looking away.

Yoongi carded his hair and pulled Hoseok back into his arms.

"Please baby," he pleaded. "Just give me one more chance. I promise you I'll never hurt you again."

Hoseok reflected on the time four years ago when Yoongi had returned from his service. He was never the same again.


TW: ⚠Not for sensitive readers⚠

Yoongi's POV

Only four months remained of my service and I was counting the days when I would return to my darling Hobi, my friends and family. My battalion and I were on a routine exercise when we were suddenly fired upon. I watched in horror as my men were shot and some even blown to smithereens, their innards flying everywhere. The air was filled with blood and guts. I fired back but there were too many of them. The last thing I remember, before blacking out, was someone hitting me on my head and being dragged away.

I woke up to a darkened room and my head pounding. I realised I was tied to a cot bed when I tried to move. Somewhere a door creaked open and I heard slow footsteps coming in my direction. I couldn't make out how many they were. Maybe four or five men, dressed in all black, with their faces covered in cloth. I could only make out their eyes. Those eyes would be the stuff of my nightmares for years to come.

They began to beat me methodically, kicking and punching me. The more I yelped in pain, the more they hurt me. For three days, I was treated like a punching bag. I got so accustomed to the pain, that I almost became immune to it. I just wanted to die.

On the fourth day, one of them came in alone and cleaned me up. He untied me and washed my weakened limbs. I had no fight in me; severely dehydrated and delirious with hunger pangs, I let him do whatever he wanted.

He moved me to another room and placed me on a bed with a pillow and a thin blanket. He fed me some weak soup and bread. My mind couldn't process anything. I didn't understand the sudden kindness so I just went with it. After a week of his ministrations, I felt well again.

I tried to thank him but he never uttered a word, neither did I see his face, as he always had a mask on. The next day, a taller and much broader man entered the room. He slapped me across my face and placed a knife at my throat. I was overcome with fear. He tied me to the bedposts with some rope and raped me intermittently for three days.

On the fourth day of my hell on earth, the former man returned to help bath and tend to my wounds. By the sixth day after my assault, I was regaining my strength, when he rushed in and finally spoke to me.

"You need to get out of here before the commandant returns," he said with fear in his voice. I have secured a vehicle with provisions for you but you have to leave now or else he will be back to hurt you again."

"But he will know that you helped me, then he will kill you!" I screamed in horror.

"Don't worry about me sunbaenim, I will injure myself and tell him you hurt me and escaped."

"Can I at least see the face of my rescuer before I leave?" I asked him.

"No sunbaenim. I am not worthy of you," he turned away from me. "Please, you don't have much time," he pleaded again. "Leave now!"

I took one last look at him and hugged him close before taking the key from his shaking hands and running out to the jeep he had stolen for me. I never looked back.

I drove for what felt like days until I reached my base station. Everyone was in shock to see me. I was deemed AWOL for three weeks. I was taken to the infirmary and examined. Thereafter, my station commander debriefed me and I was given an early medical discharge.

I was never the same again...


Hoseok's POV

Yoongi doesn't talk to me any more. Hell, he doesn't talk to anyone. All he does is consume alcohol, nothing specific. Just anything he can get his hands on. He refuses treatment and rejects everything in general.

We had disbanded shortly after he left, with only five members remaining and Namjoon and I joining the service in a few months, there was no other option. I was worried sick about him. I tried everything I could, he just stubbornly refused to talk.

One night, I had been visiting Jimin when I returned earlier than I should have. I walked in on him having sex with a woman on our couch. My heart broke into a million pieces and I ran away from them. I went back to Jimin and cried my heart out. I returned three days later. He wasn't even repentant. I packed my things and never went back. He never called me, neither did he look for me. It was the end of us.



Hoseok looked into the sad eyes of the love of his life. He wanted so much to run away and never look at him again but his heart ached for this man and he couldn't do it. He pulled him close and hugged him, breaking free a dam of tears that he had been saving for four years.

Yoongi held on to him tightly and kissed his hair, whispering words of comfort and stroking his back.

"Let's go home babe. We have a lot to talk about." Yoongi said and guided Hoseok out of the club.


Please don't hate me my swties 😟😟

I love our Yoongles too 💔💔💔

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On this day, 3 years ago, Kim Taehyung gave us his love in the form of three simple words,

I purple you 💜

We purple you Kim Taehyung and our beautiful Bangtan boys 💜


Love Swty😘

BELONG [Completed] ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें